Friday, August 27, 2021

G. Thiu-khau | 抽鬮 - 1. 主持人是 Summers Ss

The Lottery /by Shirley Jackson (1948)

Thiu-khau | 抽鬮

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1. Chú-chhî-jîn sī Summers Ss

La̍k-goe̍h 27 hit chá-khí, thiⁿ chheng, ji̍t iām, chhiong-móa joa̍h-thiⁿ ê chheng-sin un-loán; hoe kiau-iām, chháu chheⁿ-chheⁿ. Cha̍p-tiám chó-iū, chng-nih ê lâng khai-sí chi̍p-ha̍p tī iû-kio̍k kap gîn-hâng tiong-kan ê tōa-tiâⁿ. Ū-ê tìn, in-ūi lâng siuⁿ chē, thiu-khau su-iàu nn̄g-kang, só͘-í tio̍h ùi la̍k-goe̍h 26 tō khai-sí. M̄-koh, chit-ê chng, kan-ta ū saⁿ-pah thóng lâng, thiu-khau ê sî-kan pút-kò nn̄g tiám-cheng, só͘-í ē-tàng tī chá-khí 10 tiám khai-sí, soah liáu chng-nih ê lâng iáu ē-hù tńg-chhù chia̍h-tàu.

Tong-jiân, gín-á seng chi̍p-ha̍p khí-lâi. Ha̍k-hāu tú-chiah pàng-joa̍h, kám-kak chū-iû, hō͘ in tōa-pō͘-hūn chē bē-tiâu; it-poaⁿ in ē seng chi̍p chò-hóe tiām-chēng chi̍t-khùn, koh lâi tō khai-sí chhá-nāu chò-sńg, á in kóng ê ōe iáu sī iú-koan kàu-sek kap lāu-su, iú-koan khò-pún kap kà-sī.

Bobby Martin ê lak-tē-á í-keng chio̍h-thâu tē pá-pá, kî-thaⁿ ê cha-po͘ gín-á sûi tō o̍h i ê iūⁿ, teh khioh siōng-îⁿ, siōng-ku̍t-liu ê chio̍h-thâu-á; Bobby kap Harry Jones kap Dickie Delacroix -- pún-chng kā sèⁿ liām chò "Telakroi" -- chòe-āu tī tōa-tiâⁿ ê chi̍t-ê kak-lo̍h kok chi̍t tōa-tui chio̍h-thâu, koh kā kò͘ tiâu-tiâu, bián-tit hō͘ kî-thaⁿ ê cha-po͘ gín-á kiap khì. Chă-gín-á khiā tī piⁿ-á, ná teh ka-tī khai-káng koh ná ùi keng-thâu oa̍t kòe khòaⁿ cha-po͘ gín-á, á hiah-ê siōng sè-hàn ê gín-á, nā m̄-sī tī thô͘-hún nih pha tō sī ân-ân khan tio̍h in hiaⁿ-ché ê chhiú.

Kòe bô-kú, cha-po͘-lâng mā óa lâi ah, ná khòaⁿ in ê gín-á teh chhòng-siáⁿ, koh ná khai-káng chèng-choh kap hō͘-chúi, thih-gû-á kap la̍p-sòe tt* ê tāi-chì. In khiā chò-hóe tī lī hit-tui chio̍h-thâu hn̄g-hn̄g ê só͘-chāi, in ê chhiò-ōe chin pêng-tām, in kan-ta bún-chhiò, bô tōa chhiò. Cha-bó͘-lâng, chhēng thè-sek ê chhù-lāi-saⁿ kap phòng-se-saⁿ, bô-gōa-kú mā tòe chhù-thâu-ke kòe lâi ah. Kiâⁿ khì thâu-ke hia chìn-chêng, yin mā hō͘-siong phah chio-ho͘, koh kau-ōaⁿ chi̍t-kóa êng-á-ōe. [* tt = téng-téng]

Chi̍t-ē-á liáu, khiā tī ang-sài piⁿ-á ê cha-bó͘-lâng khai-sí hiàm in-ê gín-á, á gín-á tio̍h hông hiàm sì/gō͘-kái chiah m̄-kam m̄-goān kiâⁿ óa lâi. Bobby Martin ùi in lāu-bú lia̍h tio̍h ê chhiú siám-khui, ná chhiò ná cháu-tńg hit-tui chio̍h-thâu. In lāu-pē tōa siaⁿ kā hoah, Bobby chiah kín koh lâi, khiā tī in lāu-pē kap siōng tōa-hàn ê sió-tī tiong-kan.

Thiu-khau ê chú-chhî-jîn sī Summers Ss* -- tōa-tiâⁿ bú, chheng-siàu-liân klub, Halowin tt ê chiat-bo̍k mā lóng sī i -- i ū sî-kan koh ū khùi-la̍t thang kòng-hiàn kong-bîn oa̍h-tāng. I sī chi̍t-ê bīn îⁿ-îⁿ, hó chhiò-khoe ê lâng, keng-êng thô͘-thòaⁿ seng-lí, lâng-lâng ūi i khek-khui, in-ūi i bô sī-sè, in bó͘ koh chiok cha̍p-liām. I kōaⁿ hit-kha o͘ chhâ-siuⁿ lâi kàu tōa-tiâⁿ ê sî, chng-nih ê lâng kóng-ōe kóng kah ōng-ōng kiò, á i ná ia̍t-chhiú ná kóng, "Ū khah òaⁿ tām-po̍h ah, hiong-chhin ah." Iû-piān kio̍k-tiúⁿ Graves Ss tòe i, chah chi̍t-ê saⁿ-kha í-thâu, kā í-thâu chhāi tī tōa-tiâⁿ tiong-ng, Summers Ss tō kā o͘-siuⁿ-á khǹg tī téng-bīn. Chng-nih ê lâng pó-chhî chi̍t-ê kī-lī, in lóng hām hit-tè í-thâu keh khui-khui; āu-lâi, Summers Ss kóng, "Lín ū-lâng ē-sái kòe-lâi tàu-kha-chhiú chi̍t-ē bô?" ū nn̄g-ê cha-po͘-lâng sió iû-gî chi̍t-ē. Martin Ss hām in tōa-hāu-seⁿ Baxter hiòng-chêng kā siuⁿ-á hōaⁿ tiâu tī í-thâu téng, hō͘ Summers Ss thang kā lāi-té ê chóa-khau-á lā-lā leh. [* Ss = Sian-siⁿ]

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1. 主持人是 Summers Ss

六月 27 彼早起, 天清, 日炎, 充滿熱天 ê 清新溫暖; 花嬌艷, 草青青. 十點左右, 庄 nih ê 人開始集合 tī 郵局 kap 銀行中間 ê 大埕. 有 ê 鎮, 因為人 siuⁿ 濟, 抽 khau 需要兩工, 所以著 ùi 六月 26 tō 開始. M̄-koh, 這个庄, 干焦有三百捅人, 抽 khau ê 時間不過兩點鐘, 所以會當 tī 早起 10 點開始, 煞了庄 nih ê 人猶會赴轉厝食晝.

當然, 囡仔先集合起來. 學校拄才放熱, 感覺自由, 予 in 大部份坐袂牢; 一般 in 會先集做伙恬靜一睏, koh 來 tō 開始吵鬧做耍, á in 講 ê 話猶是有關教室 kap 老師, 有關課本 kap 教示.

Bobby Martin ê lak 袋仔已經石頭袋飽飽, 其他 ê 查埔囡仔隨 tō 學伊 ê 樣, teh 抾上圓, 上滑溜 ê 石頭仔; Bobby kap Harry Jones kap Dickie Delacroix -- 本庄 kā 姓念做 "Telakroi" -- 最後 tī 大埕 ê 一个角落 kok 一大堆石頭, koh kā 顧牢牢, 免得予其他 ê 查埔囡仔劫去. Chă 囡仔徛 tī 邊仔, ná teh ka-tī 開講 koh ná ùi 肩頭越過看查埔囡仔, á hiah-ê 上細漢 ê 囡仔, 若毋是 tī 塗粉 nih 拋 tō 是絚絚牽著 in 兄姊 ê 手.

過無久, 查埔人 mā 倚來 ah, ná 看 in ê 囡仔 teh 創啥, koh ná 開講種作 kap 雨水, 鐵牛仔 kap 納稅 tt* ê 代誌. In 徛做伙 tī 離彼堆石頭遠遠 ê 所在, in ê 笑話真平淡, in 干焦吻笑, 無大笑. 查某人, 穿退色 ê 厝內衫 kap 膨紗衫, 無偌久 mā 綴厝頭家過來 ah. 行去頭家 hia 進前, yin mā 互相拍招呼, koh 交換一寡閒仔話.  [* tt = téng-téng]

一下仔了, 徛 tī 翁婿邊仔 ê 查某人開始喊 in-ê 囡仔, á 囡仔著 hông 喊四五改才毋甘毋願行倚來. Bobby Martin ùi in 老母掠著 ê 手閃開, ná 笑 ná 走轉彼堆石頭. In 老爸大聲 kā 喝, Bobby 才緊 koh 來, 徛 tī in 老爸 kap 上大漢 ê 小弟中間.

抽 khau ê 主持人是 Summers Ss* -- 大埕舞, 青少年 klub, Halowin tt ê 節目 mā lóng 是伊 -- 伊有時間 koh 有氣力通貢獻公民活動. 伊是一个面圓圓, hó 笑詼 ê 人, 經營塗炭生理, 人人為伊克虧, 因為伊無序細, in 某 koh 足雜唸. 伊捾彼跤烏柴箱來到大埕 ê 時, 庄 nih ê 人講話講 kah ōng-ōng 叫, á 伊 ná 擛手 ná 講, "有較晏淡薄 ah, 鄉親 ah." 郵便局長 Graves Ss 綴伊, 扎一个三跤椅頭, kā 椅頭 chhāi tī 大埕中央, Summers Ss tō kā 烏箱仔囥 tī 頂面. 庄 nih ê 人保持一个距離, in lóng 和彼塊椅頭隔開開; 後來, Summers Ss 講, "恁有人會使過來鬥跤手一下無?" 有兩个查埔人小猶疑一下. Martin Ss 和 in 大後生 Baxter 向前 kā 箱仔扞牢 tī 椅頭頂, 予 Summers Ss 通 kā 內底 ê 紙 khau 仔 抐抐 leh. [* Ss = Sian-siⁿ]

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The morning of June 27th was clear and sunny, with the fresh warmth of a full-summer day; the flowers were blossoming profusely and the grass was richly green. The people of the village began to gather in the square, between the post office and the bank, around ten o'clock; in some towns there were so many people that the lottery took two days and had to be started on June 26th. But in this village, where there were only about three hundred people, the whole lottery took less than two hours, so it could begin at ten o'clock in the morning and still be through in time to allow the villagers to get home for noon dinner.

The children assembled first, of course. School was recently over for the summer, and the feeling of liberty sat uneasily on most of them; they tended to gather together quietly for a while before they broke into boisterous play, and their talk was still of the classroom and the teacher, of books and reprimands.

Bobby Martin had already stuffed his pockets full of stones, and the other boys soon followed his example, selecting the smoothest and roundest stones; Bobby and Harry Jones and Dickie Delacroix-- the villagers pronounced this name "Dellacroy"--eventually made a great pile of stones in one corner of the square and guarded it against the raids of the other boys. The girls stood aside, talking among themselves, looking over their shoulders at the boys, and the very small children rolled in the dust or clung to the hands of their older brothers or sisters. 

Soon the men began to gather, surveying their own children, speaking of planting and rain, tractors and taxes. They stood together, away from the pile of stones in the corner, and their jokes were quiet and they smiled rather than laughed. The women, wearing faded house dresses and sweaters, came shortly after their menfolk. They greeted one another and exchanged bits of gossip as they went to join their husbands.

Soon the women, standing by their husbands, began to call to their children, and the children came reluctantly, having to be called four or five times. Bobby Martin ducked under his mother's grasping hand and ran, laughing, back to the pile of stones. His father spoke up sharply, and Bobby came quickly and took his place between his father and his oldest brother.

The lottery was conducted--as were the square dances, the teen club, the Halloween program--by Mr. Summers, who had time and energy to devote to civic activities. He was a round-faced, jovial man and he ran the coal business, and people were sorry for him. because he had no children and his wife was a scold. When he arrived in the square, carrying the black wooden box, there was a murmur of conversation among the villagers, and he waved and called, "Little late today, folks." The postmaster, Mr. Graves, followed him, carrying a three-legged stool, and the stool was put in the center of the square and Mr. Summers set the black box down on it. The villagers kept their distance, leaving a space between themselves and the stool, and when Mr. Summers said, "Some of you fellows want to give me a hand?" there was a hesitation before two men. Mr. Martin and his oldest son, Baxter, came forward to hold the box steady on the stool while Mr. Summers stirred up the papers inside it. 

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