Saturday, January 15, 2022

6. 局長無估計對方 ê 心智

6. Kio̍k-tiúⁿ bô ko-kè tùi-hong ê sim-tì

"Góa ê lí-kái nā bô m̄-tio̍h," góa kóng, "thui-lí ê lâng nā boeh kap tùi-chhiú ê sim-tì it-tì, tio̍h ài ē-tàng chèng-khak kó͘-kè tùi-chhiú ê sim-tì."

"Ūi tio̍h tì-kàu chit-chióng kè-ta̍t, tiāⁿ-tio̍h su-iàu án-ne," Dupin ìn; "Kio̍k-tiúⁿ hām i ê thoân-tūi ē tiāⁿ-tiāⁿ sit-pāi ê goân-in, tē-it, in-ūi bô lī-iōng chit-chióng sim-tì ê it-tì, tē-jī sī in-ūi in kó͘-kè chhò-gō͘, a̍h sī koh khah chèng-khak kóng, in kin-pún bô kó͘-kè tùi-hong ê sim-tì. In kan-ta jīn-ûi ka-tī ê siūⁿ-hoat chiâⁿ khiáu; tī chhiau-chhōe jīm-hô am-chhàng ê mi̍h-kiāⁿ ê sî, kan-ta siūⁿ tio̍h ka-tī ū khó-lêng ē chhàng ê só͘-chāi. In ê siūⁿ-hoat kan-ta tāi-piáu tōa pō͘-hūn lâng ê siūⁿ-hoat, chit-tiám in bô m̄-tio̍h; m̄-koh nā tú tio̍h kan-khiáu ê chōe-hoān hām in ê sim-tì bô kāng ê sî, in tiāⁿ-tio̍h that tio̍h thih-pang. Tùi-chhiú nā khah khiàng in, in it-tēng pāi; tùi-chhiú nā khah hân-bān in, in mā ē tiāⁿ-tiāⁿ pāi. In ê tiau-cha goân-chek bô piàn-khiàu; ke̍k-chē sī tī tú tio̍h tu̍t-hoat ê gûi-ki ê sî, a̍h sī siúⁿ-kim te̍k-pia̍t koân ê sî, in chiah ē ka-kiông a̍h khok-chhiong in ê lāu hong-hoat, m̄-koh iáu sī bô kái-piàn in ê goân-chek. Pí-lūn kóng, tī D ê chit-ê àn-kiāⁿ, in kám ū kái-piàn chok-gia̍p goân-chek? Chhin-chhiūⁿ kóng chǹg-khang, chha̍k-chiam, thiaⁿ siaⁿ, a̍h kō͘ hàm-kiàⁿ siông-sè kiám-cha téng-téng, koh kā chhù ê piáu-bīn hun tè koh pian-hō -- chiah-ê sī siáⁿ ah, put-kò sī iú-koan chhiau-chhōe ê lāu goân-chek ê ka-kiông èng-iōng. Che lóng sī jîn-lūi sim-tì ê kài-liām, sī Kio̍k-tiúⁿ tī i kú-tn̂g ê chit-bū tiong-kan só͘ lúi-chek ê. Lí kám bô hoat-hiān, i jīn-ûi só͘-ū boeh chhàng chi̍t-tiuⁿ phoe  ê lâng, sui-jiân bô it-tēng tī í-á kha chǹg khang lâi chhàng, siōng-bô ē chhàng tī bó͘ chi̍t-ê khang a̍h phāng, chit-lō siūⁿ-hoat hām chǹg í-á kha lâi chhàng kám ū siáⁿ bô kāng? Lí kám bô mā hoat-hiān, tī chit-lō kòe-thâu káng-kiù ê iap-thiap só͘-chāi, kan-ta iōng tī pêng-siông sî-chūn, mā kan-ta pho͘-thong tí-sek ê lâng chiah ē sú-iōng. Tī kok-chióng am-chhàng ê chhiú-tōaⁿ tiong-kan, kā mi̍h-kiāⁿ chhàng khí-lâi, chhàng tī pì-bi̍t ê só͘-chāi, che sī tē-it iàu-kín, sī siūⁿ ē-kàu, mā ū siūⁿ tio̍h; sī-m̄-sī chhōe ē-tio̍h, m̄-nā khò tì-sek, iáu tio̍h khò chhiau-chhōe chiá ê sió-sim, nāi-sim, kap koat-sim. Àn-kiāⁿ lú iàu-kín, a̍h sī lú siū kéng-chhat khòaⁿ-tāng, chhin-chhiūⁿ kóng siúⁿ-kim chin chē, in tō lú chù-tiōng pān-àn ê phín-chit. Taⁿ lí khó-lêng í-keng liáu-kái, góa chí chhut, hit-tiuⁿ phoe nā ū chhàng tī Kio̍k-tiúⁿ chhiau-chhōe ê hoān-ûi lāi, its i-chiàu Kio̍k-tiúⁿ só͘ lí-kái ê am-chhàng ê goân-chek, phoe tō it-tēng chhiau-chhōe ē-tio̍h. Put-jî-kò, chit-ūi tióng-koaⁿ taⁿ oân-choân sit-chì ah, i sit-pāi ê goân-in chāi tī, i ká-siat hit-ê Pō͘-tiúⁿ sī chi̍t-ê gōng-lâng, in-ūi lâng-lâng kóng i sī si-jîn. Kio̍k-tiúⁿ kiò-sī si-jîn lóng sī gōng-lâng; i bô eng-kai hoān logic /lô-chek/ chhò-gō͘, thui-lūn kóng, si-jîn lóng sī gōng-lâng."

"M̄-koh, i kám chin-chiàⁿ sī si-jîn?" góa mn̄g. "Góa chai in ū nn̄g hiaⁿ-tī; nn̄g-ê lóng chin ū ha̍k-būn. Góa siong-sìn Pō͘-tiúⁿ cheng-thong Bî-hun-ha̍k (Differential Calculus). I sī chi̍t-ê sò͘-ha̍k-ka, m̄-sī si-jîn."

"Lí chhò--liáu; góa tùi i chin liáu-kái; i nn̄g-hāng lóng sī. Chò chi̍t-ê si-jîn koh sī sò͘-ha̍k-ka, i chin gâu thui-lí; ká-sú i kan-ta sī chi̍t-ê sò͘-ha̍k-ka, i ê thui-lí tō bô hiah-nī hó, tō tô bē-kòe Kio̍k-tiúⁿ ê chhiau-chhōe."

"Lí ê ì-kiàn hō͘ góa kiaⁿ chi̍t-tiô," góa kóng, "che hām sè-kài ê kóng-hoat chha siuⁿ chē. Lí bē-tàng thui-hoan kúi sè-kí lâi lâng-lâng chiap-siū ê koan-liām. Sò͘-ha̍k ê thui-lí it-ti̍t hông jīn-ûi sī chin hó ê thui-lí."

"'Ū lâng án-ne tó͘,'" Dupin ìn, ín chi̍t-kù Chamfort ê oē, "'kìⁿ-nā tāi-chiòng só͘ siūⁿ, só͘ chiap-siū ê koan-liām, lóng sī bô kè-ta̍t, in-ūi he sek-ha̍p siuⁿ chē lâng.' Góa kā lí kóng, sò͘-ha̍k-ka í-keng chīn-la̍t thui-kóng lí tú-chiah thê khí ê phó͘-phiàn chhò-gō͘, m̄-koh sui-bóng kā tòng-chò chin-lí teh thui-kóng, he iû-goân sī chi̍t-ê chhò-gō͘. Pí-lūn kóng, in lī-iōng ki-khá, kō͘ ‘hun-sek’ chit-ê su̍t-gí lâi àm-sī tāi-sò͘ ê èng-iōng. Franse-lâng sī chit-chióng chhò-gō͘ koan-liām ê khí-thâu lâng; m̄-koh, ká-sú chi̍t-ê su̍t-gí ū siáⁿ tiōng-iàu sèng -- ká-sú jī-sû ê èng-iōng ē sán-seng jīm-hô kè-ta̍t -- ‘hun-sek’ chit-ê sû tùi ‘tāi-sò͘’ (algebra) só͘ thoân-ta̍t ê ì-sù ke̍k-ke sī ná Latin-gí ê ‘ambitus’ tāi-piáu iá-sim, ‘religio’ tāi-piáu chong-kàu, a̍h ‘homines honesti’ tāi-piáu chi̍t-tīn tiong-si̍t ê lâng."

 "Góa khòaⁿ, lí sī-m̄-sī hām chi̍t-kóa Paris ê sò͘-ha̍k-ka ū cheng-toan," góa kóng, "m̄-koh, chhiáⁿ kè-sio̍k kóng lo̍h-khì."

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6. 局長無估計對方 ê 心智

"我 ê 理解若無毋著," 我講, "推理 ê 人若欲 kap 對手 ê 心智一致, 著愛會當正確估計對手 ê 心智."

"為著致到這種價值, 定著需要 án-ne," Dupin 應; "局長和伊 ê 團隊會定定失敗 ê 原因, 第一, 因為無利用這種心智 ê 一致, 第二是因為 in 估計錯誤, a̍h 是 koh 較正確講, in 根本無估計對方 ê 心智. In 干焦認為 ka-tī ê 想法誠巧; tī 搜揣任何掩藏 ê 物件 ê 時, 干焦想著 ka-tī 有可能會藏 ê 所在. In ê 想法干焦代表大部份人 ê 想法, 這點 in 無毋著; m̄-koh 若拄著奸巧 ê 罪犯和 in ê 心智無仝 ê 時, in 定著踢著鐵枋. 對手若較 khiàng in, in 一定敗; 對手若較頇顢 in, in mā 會定定敗. In ê 調查原則無變竅; 極濟是 tī 拄著突發 ê 危機 ê 時, a̍h 是賞金特別懸 ê 時, in 才會加強 a̍h 擴充 in ê 老方法, m̄-koh 猶是無改變 in ê 原則. 比論講, tī D ê 這个案件, in 敢有改變作業原則? 親像講鑽空, 鑿針, 聽聲, a̍h kō͘ 譀鏡詳細檢查等等, koh kā 厝 ê 表面分塊 koh 編號 -- chiah-ê 是啥 ah, 不過是有關搜揣 ê 老原則 ê 加強應用. 這 lóng 是人類心智 ê 概念, 是局長 tī 伊久長 ê 職務中間所累積 ê. 你敢無發現, 伊認為所有欲藏一張批  ê 人, 雖然無一定 tī 椅仔跤鑽空來藏, 上無會藏 tī 某一个空 a̍h 縫, chit-lō 想法和鑽椅仔跤來藏敢有啥無仝? 你敢無 mā 發現, tī chit-lō 過頭講究 ê iap-thiap 所在, 干焦用 tī 平常時陣, mā 干焦普通智識 ê 人 chiah 會使用. Tī 各種掩藏 ê 手段中間, kā 物件藏起來, 藏 tī 祕密 ê 所在, 這是第一要緊, 是想會到, mā 有想著; 是毋是揣會著, 毋但靠智識, 猶著靠搜揣者 ê 小心, 耐心, kap 決心. 案件 lú 要緊, a̍h 是 lú 受警察看重, 親像講賞金真濟, in tō lú 注重辦案 ê 品質. 今你可能已經了解, 我指出, 彼張批若有藏 tī 局長搜揣 ê 範圍內, its 依照局長所理解 ê 掩藏 ê 原則, 批 tō 一定搜揣會著. 不而過, 這位長官今完全失志 ah, 伊失敗 ê 原因在 tī, 伊假設彼个部長是一个戇人, 因為人人講伊是詩人. 局長叫是詩人 lóng 是戇人; 伊無應該犯 logic /lô-chek/ 錯誤, 推論講, 詩人 lóng 是戇人."

"M̄-koh, 伊敢真正是詩人?" 我問. "我知 in 有兩兄弟; 兩个 lóng 真有學問. 我相信部長精通微分學 (Differential Calculus). 伊是一个數學家, 毋是詩人."

"你錯了; 我對伊真了解; 伊兩項 lóng 是. 做一个詩人 koh 是數學家, 伊真 gâu 推理; 假使伊干焦是一个數學家, 伊 ê 推理 tō 無 hiah-nī 好, tō 逃袂過局長 ê 搜揣."

"你 ê 意見予我驚一趒," 我講, "這和世界 ê 講法差 siuⁿ 濟. 你袂當推翻幾世紀來人人接受 ê 觀念. 數學 ê 推理一直 hông 認為是真好 ê 推理."

"'有人 án-ne 賭,'" Dupin 應, 引一句 Chamfort ê 話, "'見若大眾所想, 所接受 ê 觀念, lóng 是無價值, 因為 he 適合 siuⁿ 濟人.' 我 kā 你講, 數學家已經盡力推廣你拄才提起 ê 普遍錯誤, m̄-koh 雖罔 kā 當做真理 teh 推廣, he 猶原是一个錯誤. 比論講, in 利用技巧, kō͘ ‘分析’ 這个術語來暗示代數 ê 應用. Franse 人是這種錯誤觀念 ê 起頭人; m̄-koh, 假使一个術語有啥重要性 -- 假使字詞 ê 應用會產生任何價值 -- ‘分析’ 這个詞對 ‘代數' (algebra) 所傳達 ê 意思極加是 ná Latin 語 ê ‘ambitus’ 代表野心, ‘religio’ 代表宗教, a̍h ‘homines honesti’ 代表一陣忠實 ê 人."

 "我看, 你是毋是 hām 一寡 Paris ê 數學家有爭端," 我講, "m̄-koh, 請繼續講落去."

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"And the identification," I said, "of the reasoner's intellect with that of his opponent, depends, if I understand you aright upon the accuracy with which the opponent's intellect is admeasured."

"For its practical value it depends upon this," replied Dupin; "and the Prefect and his cohort fall so frequently, first, by default of this identification, and, secondly, by ill-admeasurement, or rather through non-admeasurement, of the intellect with which they are engaged. They consider only their own ideas of ingenuity; and, in searching for anything hidden, advert only to the modes in which they would have hidden it. They are right in this much --that their own ingenuity is a faithful representative of that of the mass; but when the cunning of the individual felon is diverse in character from their own, the felon foils them, of course. This always happens when it is above their own, and very usually when it is below. They have no variation of principle in their investigations; at best, when urged by some unusual emergency --by some extraordinary reward --they extend or exaggerate their old modes of practice, without touching their principles. What, for example, in this case of D--, has been done to vary the principle of action? What is all this boring, and probing, and sounding, and scrutinizing with the microscope, and dividing the surface of the building into registered square inches --what is it all but an exaggeration of the application of the one principle or set of principles of search, which are based upon the one set of notions regarding human ingenuity, to which the Prefect, in the long routine of his duty, has been accustomed? Do you not see he has taken it for granted that all men proceed to conceal a letter, --not exactly in a gimlet-hole bored in a chair-leg --but, at least, in some hole or corner suggested by the same tenor of thought which would urge a man to secrete a letter in a gimlet-hole bored in a chair-leg? And do you not see also, that such recherches nooks for concealment are adapted only for ordinary occasions, and would be adopted only by ordinary intellects; for, in all cases of concealment, a disposal of the article concealed --a disposal of it in this recherche manner, --is, in the very first instance, presumable and presumed; and thus its discovery depends, not at all upon the acumen, but altogether upon the mere care, patience, and determination of the seekers; and where the case is of importance --or, what amounts to the same thing in the policial eyes, when the reward is of magnitude, --the qualities in question have never been known to fall. You will now understand what I meant in suggesting that, had the purloined letter been hidden anywhere within the limits of the Prefect's examination --in other words, had the principle of its concealment been comprehended within the principles of the Prefect --its discovery would have been a matter altogether beyond question. This functionary, however, has been thoroughly mystified; and the remote source of his defeat lies in the supposition that the Minister is a fool, because he has acquired renown as a poet. All fools are poets; this the Prefect feels; and he is merely guilty of a non distributio medii in thence inferring that all poets are fools."

"But is this really the poet?" I asked. "There are two brothers, I know; and both have attained reputation in letters. The Minister I believe has written learnedly on the Differential Calculus. He is a mathematician, and no poet."

"You are mistaken; I know him well; he is both. As poet and mathematician, he would reason well; as mere mathematician, he could not have reasoned at all, and thus would have been at the mercy of the Prefect."

"You surprise me," I said, "by these opinions, which have been contradicted by the voice of the world. You do not mean to set at naught the well-digested idea of centuries. The mathematical reason has long been regarded as the reason par excellence.

"'Il y a a parier,'" replied Dupin, quoting from Chamfort, "'que toute idee publique, toute convention recue, est une sottise, car elle a convenu au plus grand nombre.' The mathematicians, I grant you, have done their best to promulgate the popular error to which you allude, and which is none the less an error for its promulgation as truth. With an art worthy a better cause, for example, they have insinuated the term 'analysis' into application to algebra. The French are the originators of this particular deception; but if a term is of any importance --if words derive any value from applicability --then 'analysis' conveys 'algebra' about as much as, in Latin, 'ambitus' implies 'ambition,' 'religio' religion or 'homines honesti,' a set of honorable men."

"You have a quarrel on hand, I see," said I, "with some of the algebraists of Paris; but proceed."

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