Friday, December 30, 2022

C70 In Hit-sî ê Lo̍k-tiòng | In 彼時 ê 樂暢 - a Margie 上討厭彼个插槽

The Fun They Had /by Isaac Asimov

In Hit-sî ê Lo̍k-tiòng | In 彼時 ê 樂暢


1. Margie siōng thó-ià hit-ê chhah-chô

Hit-mê, Margie sīm-chì kā he siá ji̍p ji̍t-kì. Tī 2157 nî 5 goe̍h 17 hit-ia̍h, yi án-ne siá, "Kin-á-ji̍t, Tommy hoat-hiān chi̍t-pún chin ê chheh!"

He sī chi̍t-pún kó͘-chá chheh. Margie yin akong bat kóng, tī i iáu-sī gín-á ê sî, in akong kā i kóng, ū chi̍t-tōaⁿ sî-kan, só͘-ū ê kò͘-sū lóng ìn tī chóa téng-bīn.

In hian he n̂g koh jiâu ê chheh-ia̍h, si̍t-chāi ū-kàu chhù-bī, he jī tiām-tiām, m̄-sī chhiūⁿ lí só͘ chai ê, jī ē tī êng-bō͘ téng sóa-tāng. Āu-lâi, tán in koh hian tńg-lâi tú-chiah hit-ia̍h, téng-bīn ê jī hām in chi̍t khai-sí só͘ tha̍k ê iáu-sī kāng-khoán.

"Ai-ah," Tommy kóng, "chiâⁿ lōng-hùi. Tán lí tha̍k-oân chit-pún chheh, lí tio̍h kā tàn-tiāu, góa siūⁿ sī án-ne. Lán ê tiān-sī êng-bō͘ téng-bīn tiāⁿ-tio̍h í-keng ū kúi-ā pah-bān pún ê chheh, iáu-koh ē-sái ū koh-khah chē. Góa bē kā he hiat-tiāu."

"Góa ê mā kāng-khoán," Margie kóng. Yi 11 hòe, khòaⁿ ê chheh bô Tommy hiah chē. I 13 hòe. Yi kóng, "Lí tī tó-ūi hoat-hiān che?"

"Tī goán chhù." i kō͘ pí ê, ba̍k-chiu bô khòaⁿ, in-ūi i bô-êng teh tha̍k chheh. "Tī lâu-kông." "Chheh siá siáⁿ?" "Ha̍k-hāu."

Margie khòaⁿ he bô-ba̍k-tē. "Ha̍k-hāu? Ha̍k-hāu ū siáⁿ hó siá ê? Góa thó-ià ha̍k-hāu."

Margie it-hiòng thó-ià ha̍k-hāu, m̄-koh chit-chūn yi koh-khah chheh he. Ke-khì lāu-su chi̍t-pái koh chi̍t-pái kā yi khó tē-lí, yi lú khó lú chha, tì-sú yin lāu-bú siong-sim iô-thâu, tō chhiáⁿ Koān Kiám-cha-oân lâi.

I sī chi̍t-ê sè-hàn koh îⁿ-kùn-kùn ê lâng, bīn âng-âng, chah kui-siuⁿ tàu gî-pió hām tiān-sòaⁿ ê ke-si. I ǹg Margie bî-chhiò, hō͘ yi chi̍t-lia̍p lingò, jiân-āu kā lāu-su thiah-khui. Margie hi-bāng i bô hoat-tō͘ koh kā he tàu hó-sè, m̄-koh i chai-iáⁿ án-chóaⁿ chhòng, chū án-ne, kòe chi̍t tiám-cheng chó-iū, ke-khì lāu-su tńg-lâi ah, tōa koh o͘ koh bái, tōa-tōa ê êng-bō͘ téng, koh hián-sī só͘-ū ê khò-thêng hām būn-tê. Án-ne iáu sǹg bē-bái. Margie siōng thó-ià ê pō͘-hūn sī yi tio̍h khǹg-ji̍p chok-gia̍p hām khó-chhì chóa ê hit-ê chhah-chô. Yi chóng tio̍h kō͘ phah-khang khah-phìⁿ siá, che tī yi 6 hòe ê sî in tō kà yi o̍h kòe, ke-khì lāu-su chin kín tō sǹg chhut yi ê hun-sò͘.

Hó-sè liáu-āu, kiám-cha-oân chhiò-chhiò phok Margie ê thâu. I kā yin lāu-bú kóng, "Jones Tt, he m̄-sī hit-ê sió ko͘-niû ê m̄-tio̍h. Góa siūⁿ, tē-lí pō͘-hūn kà-liáu sió-khóa siuⁿ kóaⁿ-kín. Ū-sî chit-lō tāi-chì ē hoat-seng. Góa í-keng kā pàng bān kàu 10 hòe gín-á ê thêng-tō͘. Si̍t-chè siōng, yi chéng-thé ê chìn-pō͘ siong-tong hō͘ lâng móa-ì." I koh chi̍t-kái phok Margie ê thâu.

Margie chin sit-bōng. Yi goân-pún hi-bōng in kui-khì kā lāu-su chah cháu. Ū chi̍t-kái, in bat kā Tommy ê lāu-su chah cháu chiong-kīn chi̍t kò goe̍h, in-ūi le̍k-sú pō͘-hūn oân-choân sī khàng-pe̍h.

Tō sī án-ne, yi chiah kā Tommy kóng, "Sī án-chóaⁿ ū lâng boeh siá ha̍k-hāu ê tāi-chì?"


1. Margie 上討厭彼个插槽

彼暝, Margie 甚至 kā he 寫入日記. Tī 2157 年 5 月 17 彼頁, 她 án-ne 寫, "今仔日, Tommy 發現一本真 ê 冊!"

彼是一本古早冊. Margie 姻阿公 bat 講, tī 伊猶是囡仔 ê 時, in 阿公 kā 伊講, 有一段時間, 所有 ê 故事 lóng 印 tī 紙頂面.

In 掀 he 黃 koh 皺 ê 冊頁, 實在有夠趣味, he 字恬恬, 毋是像你所知 ê, 字會 tī 螢幕頂徙動. 後來, 等 in koh 掀轉來拄才彼頁, 頂面 ê 字和 in 一開始所讀 ê 猶是仝款.

"Ai-ah," Tommy 講, "誠浪費. 等你讀完這本冊, 你著 kā 擲掉, 我想是 án-ne. 咱 ê 電視螢幕頂面定著已經有幾若百萬本 ê 冊, 猶閣會使有閣較濟. 我袂 kā he 㧒掉."

"我 ê mā 仝款," Margie 講. 她 11 歲, 看 ê 冊無 Tommy hiah 濟. 伊 13 歲. 她講, "你 tī 佗位發現這?"

"Tī 阮厝." 伊 kō͘ 比 ê, 目睭無看, 因為伊無閒 teh 讀冊. "Tī 樓栱." "冊寫啥?" "學校."

Margie 看 he 無目地. "學校? 學校有啥好寫 ê? 我討厭學校."

Margie 一向討厭學校, 毋過這陣她閣較慼 he. 機器老師一擺 koh 一擺 kā 她考地理, 她 lú 考 lú 差, 致使姻老母傷心搖頭, tō 請縣檢查員來.

伊是一个細漢 koh 圓 kùn-kùn ê 人, 面紅紅, 扎規箱鬥儀錶和電線 ê 家私. 伊 ǹg Margie 微笑, 予她一粒 lingò, 然後 kā 老師拆開. Margie 希望伊無法度 koh kā he 鬥好勢, 毋過伊知影按怎創, 自 án-ne, 過一點鐘左右, 機器老師轉來 ah, 大 koh 烏 koh 䆀, 大大 ê 螢幕頂, koh 顯示所有 ê 課程和問題. Án-ne 猶算袂䆀. Margie 上討厭 ê 部份是她著囥入作業和考試紙 ê 彼个插槽. 她總著 kō͘ 拍空卡片寫, 這 tī 她 6 歲 ê 時 in tō 教她學過, 機器老師真緊 tō 算出她 ê 分數.

好勢了後, 檢查員笑笑撲 Margie ê 頭. 伊 kā 姻老母講, "Jones Tt, 彼毋是彼个小姑娘 ê 毋著. 我想, 地理部份教了小可 siuⁿ 趕緊. 有時 chit-lō 代誌會發生. 我已經 kā 放慢到 10 歲囡仔 ê 程度. 實際上, 她整體 ê 進步相當予人滿意." 伊 koh 一改撲 Margie ê 頭.

Margie 真失望. 她原本希望 in 規氣 kā 老師扎走. 有一改, in bat kā Tommy ê 老師扎走將近一個月, 因為歷史部份完全是空白.

就是 án-ne, 她才 kā Tommy 講, "是按怎有人欲寫學校 ê 代誌?"



Margie even wrote about it that night in her diary. On the page headed May 17, 2157, she wrote, "Today, Tommy found a real book!"

It was a very old book. Margie's grandfather once said that when he was a little boy his grandfather told him that there was a time when all stories were printed on paper.

They turned the pages, which were yellow and crinkly, and it was awfully funny to read words that stood still instead of moving the way they were supposed to--on a screen, you know. And then, when they turned back to the page before, it had the same words on it that it had had when they read it the first time.

"Gee," said Tommy, "what a waste. When you're through with the book, you just throw it away, I guess. Our television screen must have had a million books on it and it's good for plenty more. I wouldn't throw it away."

"Same with mine," said Margie. She was eleven and hadn't seen as many telebooks as Tommy had. He was thirteen. She said, "Where did you find it?"

"In my house." He pointed without looking, because he was busy reading. "In the attic." "What's it about?" "School."

Margie was scornful. "School? What's there to write about school? I hate school."

Margie always hated school, but now she hated it more than ever. The mechanical teacher had been giving her test after test in geography and she had been doing worse and worse until her mother had shaken her head sorrowfully and sent for the County Inspector.

He was a round little man with a red face and a whole box of tools with dials and wires. He smiled at Margie and gave her an apple, then took the teacher apart. Margie had hoped he wouldn't know how to put it together again, but he knew how all right, and, after an hour or so, there it was again, large and black and ugly, with a big screen on which all the lessons were shown and the questions were asked. That wasn't so bad. The part Margie hated most was the slot where she had to put homework and test papers. She always had to write them out in a punch code they made her learn when she was six years old, and the mechanical teacher calculated the mark in no time.

The Inspector had smiled after he was finished and patted Margie's head. He said to her mother, "It's not the little girl's fault, Mrs. Jones. I think the geography sector was geared a little too quick. Those things happen sometimes. I've slowed it up to an average ten-year level. Actually, the over-all pattern of her progress is quite satisfactory." And he patted Margie's head again.

Margie was disappointed. She had been hoping they would take the teacher away altogether. They had once taken Tommy's teacher away for nearly a month because the history sector had blanked out completely.

So she said to Tommy, "Why would anyone write about school?"


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