Tuesday, August 24, 2021

5. 會當感受過去感受袂著 ê 物

5. Ē-tàng kám-siū kòe-khì kám-siū bē-tio̍h ê mi̍h

I taⁿ oân-choân chiang-ak ka-tī ê sin-thé kám-koan. In khak-si̍t lóng put-chí-á lêng-bín koh kéng-kak. Tī i ê koan-lêng hē-thóng siū tio̍h ê khó-phà kan-jiáu tiong-kan, ū bó͘-chióng mi̍h tian-tò the̍h-koân koh kái-liông chiah-ê koan-lêng, hō͘ in ē-tàng kám-siū kòe-khì kám-siū bē-tio̍h ê mi̍h. I kám-kak tio̍h bīn-phôe ê chúi-éng, thiaⁿ tio̍h in sio-lòng hoat-chhut ê bô-kāng siaⁿ-im. I khòaⁿ khe-hōaⁿ téng ê chhiū-nâ, khòaⁿ tio̍h kò-pia̍t ê chhiū-á, hio̍h-á, kap hio̍h-á ê bûn-lō͘ -- khòaⁿ tio̍h téng-bīn ê thâng-thōa: chháu-meh-á, kim-sîn, phú ti-tu tī chhiū-ki tiong-kan keⁿ-bāng. I chù-ì tio̍h chhian-chhian bān-bān chháu-hio̍h téng lō͘-chúi ê kong-chhái. Tī kńg-lê-á khe-chúi téng poe-tāng ê báng-á ê ng-ng siaⁿ, chhân-eⁿ teh ia̍t-si̍t, chúi ti-tu teh that-kha, ná-chhiūⁿ kò-chûn ê chiúⁿ -- só͘-ū chiah-ê lóng sī thiaⁿ ē-tio̍h ê im-ga̍k. Chi̍t-bóe hî-á tī i ê ba̍k-chiu chêng liu kòe, i thiaⁿ tio̍h i ê hî-sin kín-sok kā chúi chiⁿ-khui ê siaⁿ.

I í-keng phû kàu ǹg ē-lâu ê chúi-bīn; chi̍t-ē-á, khòaⁿ tio̍h ê sè-kài ká-ná bān-bān teh se̍h kho͘-á, i sī kho͘-á ê tiong-sim, i khòaⁿ tio̍h kiô, iâⁿ-khu, kiô-téng ê sū-peng, siōng-ùi, tiong-sū, nn̄g-ê chhiong-oân-á, kā i hêng-hêng ê lâng. In ê hêng-iáⁿ hiàn tī nâ-sek thian-khong ē-bīn. In ná hoah-hiu, ná pí chhiú, ná kí ǹg i. Siōng-ùi í-keng thiu-chhut chhiú-chhèng, m̄-koh bô khui-chhèng; kî-thaⁿ ê lâng bô bú-khì. In ê tōng-chok koài-kî koh khó-phà, in ê hêng-thé kài tōa.

Hut-jiân i thiaⁿ tio̍h phok chi̍t-ê chiam-siaⁿ, ū chi̍t-ê mi̍h tī lī i thâu-khak kúi chhùn ê só͘-chāi khak-khak si̍t-si̍t kiat tio̍h chúi-bīn, chúi-hoe phùn kah i kui-bīn. I koh thiaⁿ tio̍h tē-jī ê phok siaⁿ, khòaⁿ tio̍h kî-tiong chi̍t-ê sàu-peng giâ chhèng tī keng-thâu, chi̍t-khian khin-khin ê nâ-sek ê ian ùi chhèng-kóng-bóe bū chhut-lâi. Chúi nih ê lâng khòaⁿ tio̍h kiô-téng lâng ê ba̍k-chiu thàng kòe pō͘-chhèng ê biâu-chún-khì teh siòng i. I chù-ì tio̍h he sī phú-sek ê ba̍k-chiu, á i ē-kì-tit bat tha̍k tio̍h, phú-sek ba̍k-chiu siōng lāi, só͘-ū chhut-miâ ê siā-kek-chhiú lóng sī án-ne. Ka-chài, chit-ê lâng phah bô tio̍h.

Chi̍t-ê tò-se̍h ê kńg-lê-á kā Farquhar se̍h pòaⁿ liàn; i koh khòaⁿ tio̍h iâⁿ-khu tùi-bīn hit-hōaⁿ ê chhiū-nâ. Chit-sî, chi̍t-ê chheng koh koân ê tan-tiāu koa-siaⁿ tī i ê āu-bīn hiáng-khí, thàng kòe chúi, chheng-chheng chhó-chhó chǹg kòe koh ah-chè só͘-ū kî-thaⁿ ê siaⁿ-im, sīm-chì i hīⁿ-khang lāi ê chúi-éng siaⁿ. Sui-jiân m̄-sī kun-jîn, i keng-siông chhut-ji̍p kun-iâⁿ, chai-iáⁿ hit-chióng tiāⁿ-tio̍h, bān-sok, koh ū-tháu-khùi ê siaⁿ-tiāu ê khó-phà ì-gī; hōaⁿ-téng ê tiong-ùi tng-teh ka-ji̍p chá-khí ê kang-chok. Kō͘ chi̍t-chióng chiâu-ûn, léng-chēng ê siaⁿ-tiāu, ī-kò, koh pek-sú ta̍k-lâng tio̍h tìn-chēng, hiah-nī léng-khok, hiah-nī bô-chêng, tī chún-chún ê kan-keh tiong-kan, hoat-chhut chiah-ê chân-khok ê bēng-lēng:

"Choân-tūi chù-ì! ... Chhêng chiūⁿ keng-thâu! ... Chún-pī! ... Biâu-chún! ... Khui-chhèng!"


5. 會當感受過去感受袂著 ê 物

伊今完全掌握 ka-tī ê 身體感官. In 確實 lóng 不止仔靈敏 koh 警覺. Tī 伊 ê 官能系統受著 ê 可怕干擾中間, 有某種物顛倒提懸 koh 改良 chiah-ê 官能, 予 in 會當感受過去感受袂著 ê 物. 伊感覺著面皮 ê 水湧, 聽著 in 相挵發出 ê 無仝聲音. 伊看溪岸頂 ê 樹林, 看著個別 ê 樹仔, 葉仔, kap 葉仔 ê 紋路 -- 看著頂面 ê 蟲豸: 草蜢仔, 金蠅, 殕蜘蛛 tī 樹枝中間 keⁿ 網. 伊注意著千千萬萬草葉頂露水 ê 光彩. Tī 卷螺仔溪水頂飛動 ê 蠓仔 ê ng-ng 聲, 田嬰 teh 擛翼, 水蜘蛛 teh 踢跤, ná 像划船 ê 槳 -- 所有 chiah-ê lóng 是聽會著 ê 音樂. 一尾魚仔 tī 伊 ê 目睭前溜過, 伊聽著伊 ê 魚身緊速 kā 水 chiⁿ 開 ê 聲.

伊已經浮到 ǹg 下流 ê 水面; 一下仔, 看著 ê 世界 ká-ná 慢慢 teh 踅箍仔, 伊是箍仔 ê 中心, 伊看著橋, 營區, 橋頂 ê 士兵, 上尉, 中士, 兩个充員仔, kā 伊行刑 ê 人. In ê 形影現 tī 藍色天空下面. In ná 喝咻, ná 比手, ná 指 ǹg 伊. 上尉已經抽出手銃, m̄-koh 無開銃; 其他 ê 人無武器. In ê 動作怪奇 koh 可怕, in ê 形體蓋大.

忽然伊聽著 phok 一个尖聲, 有一个物 tī 離伊頭殼幾寸 ê 所在確確實實 kiat 著水面, 水花噴 kah 伊規面. 伊 koh 聽著第二个 phok 聲, 看著其中一个哨兵夯銃 tī 肩頭, 一圈輕輕 ê 藍色 ê 煙 ùi 銃管尾霧出來. 水 nih ê 人看著橋頂人 ê 目睭迵過步銃 ê 瞄準器 teh 相伊. 伊注意著彼是殕色 ê 目睭, á 伊會記得 bat 讀著, 殕色目睭上利, 所有出名 ê 射擊手 lóng 是 án-ne. 佳哉, 這个人拍無著.

一个倒踅 ê 卷螺仔 kā Farquhar 踅半輾; 伊 koh 看著營區對面彼岸 ê 樹林. 這時, 一个清 koh 懸 ê 單調歌聲 tī 伊 ê 後面響起, 迵過水, 清清楚楚鑽過 koh 壓制所有其他 ê 聲音, 甚至伊耳空內 ê 水湧聲. 雖然毋是軍人, 伊經常出入軍營, 知影彼種定著, 慢速, koh 有敨氣 ê 聲調 ê 可怕意義; 岸頂 ê 中尉 tng-teh 加入早起 ê 工作. Kō͘ 一種齊勻, 冷靜 ê 聲調, 預告, koh 迫使逐人著鎮靜, hiah-nī 冷酷, hiah-nī 無情, tī 準準 ê 間隔中間, 發出 chiah-ê 殘酷 ê 命令:

"全隊注意! ... 銃上肩頭! ... 準備! ... 瞄準! ... 開銃!"



He was now in full possession of his physical senses. They were, indeed, preternaturally keen and alert. Something in the awful disturbance of his organic system had so exalted and refined them that they made record of things never before perceived. He felt the ripples upon his face and heard their separate sounds as they struck. He looked at the forest on the bank of the stream, saw the individual trees, the leaves and the veining of each leaf--saw the very insects upon them: the locusts, the brilliant-bodied flies, the grey spiders stretching their webs from twig to twig. He noted the prismatic colors in all the dewdrops upon a million blades of grass. The humming of the gnats that danced above the eddies of the stream, the beating of the dragon flies' wings, the strokes of the water-spiders' legs, like oars which had lifted their boat--all these made audible music. A fish slid along beneath his eyes and he heard the rush of its body parting the water.

He had come to the surface facing down the stream; in a moment the visible world seemed to wheel slowly round, himself the pivotal point, and he saw the bridge, the fort, the soldiers upon the bridge, the captain, the sergeant, the two privates, his executioners. They were in silhouette against the blue sky. They shouted and gesticulated, pointing at him. The captain had drawn his pistol, but did not fire; the others were unarmed. Their movements were grotesque and horrible, their forms gigantic.

Suddenly he heard a sharp report and something struck the water smartly within a few inches of his head, spattering his face with spray. He heard a second report, and saw one of the sentinels with his rifle at his shoulder, a light cloud of blue smoke rising from the muzzle. The man in the water saw the eye of the man on the bridge gazing into his own through the sights of the rifle. He observed that it was a grey eye and remembered having read that grey eyes were keenest, and that all famous marksmen had them. Nevertheless, this one had missed.

A counter-swirl had caught Farquhar and turned him half round; he was again looking into the forest on the bank opposite the fort. The sound of a clear, high voice in a monotonous singsong now rang out behind him and came across the water with a distinctness that pierced and subdued all other sounds, even the beating of the ripples in his ears. Although no soldier, he had frequented camps enough to know the dread significance of that deliberate, drawling, aspirated chant; the lieutenant on shore was taking a part in the morning's work. How coldly and pitilessly--with what an even, calm intonation, presaging, and enforcing tranquillity in the men--with what accurately measured intervals fell those cruel words:

"Attention, company! . . Shoulder arms! . . . Ready! . . . Aim! . . . Fire!"


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