Saturday, February 19, 2022

4. 教練額頭腫一 lu

4. Kàu-liān hia̍h-thâu chéng chi̍t-lu

Khòaⁿ tio̍h thǹg-pak-theh ê kàu-liān ùi lâu-thui-khut hō͘ 12-Hō kap 2-Hō kā kng chhut-lâi, hō͘ i siūⁿ tio̍h chi̍t-pak ōe. Ki-tok ùi si̍p-jī-kè hông kng lo̍h-lâi. Sui-bóng he sī i siōng kah-ì ê chok-phín, m̄-koh i m̄-chai gē-su̍t-ka kap chok-phín ê miâ. Chá tō lī-khui hīⁿ-khang, chìn-ji̍p thài-khong ah. Hoān-sè i ū náu-chìn-tōng. Yin kā kàu-liān kng kàu bus āu, hō͘ i theⁿ tī siōng bóe-pâi chē-ūi. In-ūi bus thán-siâ, yin hut bē hó-sè i ê thâu -- it-ti̍t kau lo̍h-lâi. 62-Hō chhì siàn i ê chhùi-phé. Nā bô hoán-èng, yi tō koh án-ne chò. Rusty khiā khí-lâi, hiòng in chông khì. "Lín teh chhòng-siáⁿ?" i boeh chai-iáⁿ. 45-Hō kap 8-Hō kā kòe-tō tòng tio̍h. Choăn i peh chē-ūi, ná kâu án-ne chi̍t-pâi peh kòe chi̍t-pâi. Kui tūi ê lâng pau-ûi i. Chē-chē chhiú khiú i ê saⁿ, i tī hūn-loān tiong-kan ngiú-tāng sin-khu, sak-khui chē-chē chhiú-kut ê khan-tîⁿ.

"Kàu-liān!" i tōa siaⁿ hoah, hit-sî 45-Hō tng-teh tùi-hù i, kā i phīⁿ-khang ê mî-tiâu phah lak. Keng-kòe sió-khóa sio-tak, yi kā i ah-chè tī thô͘-kha.

"Góa chhoán bô khùi ah." 45-Hō ê tōa-chhāi sin-khu cha̍h tio̍h i ê siaⁿ-im.

12-Hō kóng, "Che chiah sī tiōng-tiám."

Chi̍t-siaⁿ hiáng lûi chùn kah thang-á chhòaⁿ kho̍k-kho̍k kiò, in ká-ná chiah koh siūⁿ tio̍h gōa-kháu ê hong-hō͘. 2-Hō tōa-siaⁿ mn̄g yin kám iáu-koh khòaⁿ ē-tio̍h hó-thiⁿ? 8-Hō hām 16-Hō ē kì-tit tú-chiah tī kúi-mai chêng ū keng-kòe chi̍t-ê ka-iû-chām. Kî-tiong chi̍t-ê sīm-chì siūⁿ khí i ê miâ: SpaceWay (Thài-khong Tō). "Chāi góa khòaⁿ, he thiaⁿ tio̍h ká-ná sī ū kiù ah," 12-Hō kóng. Chi̍t-ê kè-ōe khai-sí hêng-sêng. Yin tio̍h tán thiⁿ-khì ê piàn-hòa, thiⁿ chi̍t-ē chheng, yin tō boeh kiâⁿ tńg Space-Way khà tiān-ōe kiû kiù. "911, put-chún loān-lâi," 12-Hō pó͘-chhiong kóng. 62-Hō tam-sim kàu-liān khòaⁿ tio̍h chin hi. Yi kiàn-gī koh kā siàn chhùi-phé kā kiò chhéⁿ. 8-Hō bô tông-ì, kóng yi bat tī 20/20 chiat-bo̍k khòaⁿ tio̍h, kóng, hūn-khì ê lâng lí nā kā kiò chhéⁿ, ē piàn chò chin po̍k-le̍k. "He sī bāng-iû ê lâng lah, sam-pat," 45-Hō kóng, jiân-āu mn̄g 12-Hō, yi sī-m̄-sī ē-sái pàng khui chit-ê cha-bó͘-thé ê. "Góa ê kha-chhng tit-boeh bâ khì ah."

"Góa chàn-sêng yi ê thê-gī," Rusty tī yi ê ē-bīn kóng.

12-Hō khû lo̍h, mn̄g i sī-m̄-sī ē koai-koai. I ìn kóng, i khòaⁿ bē-chhut ū siáⁿ thang soán, in-ūi yin lâng chē. Án-ne yi khòaⁿ tō chin hó ah. Yi tìm-thâu, 45-Hō tō pàng-khui. I hoan chi̍t-ē sin, hoeh koh chhiong kàu i ê thâu-khak. I tōa-la̍t peh-hah, ē-hâi hiám-á lak khì. Taⁿ khah óa kàu-liān ah, i chù-ì tio̍h hit-lâng hia̍h-thâu chéng chi̍t-lu. Hó͘-bó tūi-oân sim kiaⁿ-kiaⁿ khoàⁿ Rusty kiâⁿ hiòng kàu-liān, bē-su i sī iá-siù, m̄-chai ē kā-lâng bô. Rusty kō͘ chéng-thâu-á so he chéng-chéng ê phôe-hu. Kàu-liān kám-kak un-loán. Sio-sio.

"I khòaⁿ tio̍h chin hi," i kóng. "Lán khó-lêng tio̍h tī chia tán chi̍t-chūn."

"Góa teh tán lâng kiàn-gī." 12-Hō siang-chhiú lám tī heng-chêng.

I iô-thâu. "Góa bô ì-kiàn."

"Nā án-ne, lí kăn hàiⁿ chhut kong-lō͘, sī ūi-tio̍h hó-sńg a̍h siáⁿ?" 45-Hō mn̄g.

"A̍h siáⁿ," i kā kóng.

12-Hō ê bīn kek chi̍t-ê gōng-chhiò, yi kā i kóng, tio̍h kiò yi DeDe.

30 hun-cheng liáu-āu, 45-Hō hoat-hiān chi̍t-ê lāu-táu hûn, tōa-siaⁿ kiò chhut-lâi. Kî-thaⁿ ê Hó͘-bó tūi-oân kheh óa khì, kā bīn tah tī thang-á khòaⁿ. Rusty hām kàu-liān lâu tī goân-ūi, tī bus āu, siōng-bóe ê chē-ūi, Rusty tī chiàⁿ-pêng, kàu-liān tī tò-pêng. Kàu-liān ê thâu khòe tī thang-á, chhoán ê khùi hō͘ po-lê kha̍h-bông, chhùi-kak ū chi̍t-tih nōa. Rusty bô-ài khòaⁿ hit-ê chéng-lu. Kim sih-sih, ta̍k-kái i khòaⁿ ká-ná piàn khah tōa. I khòaⁿ pa̍t-ūi. I sim-nih án-ne sióng-siōng: in iáu tī lō͘ nih, boeh tńg chhù. I teh sái chhia, kàu-liān teh kóng-ōe. M̄-sī chhiūⁿ i hām Hó͘-bó Tūi chò-hóe hit-khoán hong-sek, sī tī i khó-lī si ê sî, kàng-lo̍h tī i ê hit-chióng an-chēng, iau-ki ê hong-sek. "Chi̍t-ê chin-chiàⁿ chia̍h-ōe ê lâng," i bat án-ne biô-siá ka-tī, Rusty kā kàu-liān kóng-khí Sparse ê tāi-chì. Tī kong-hn̂g ê sî, pàng-o̍h liáu tī in tau ê sî. Kóng-khí Sparse hông sàng cháu, i tē-it pái bak ka-tī to̍h-hóe ê hong-sek. Chia̍h chiah-ê ōe. Kàu-liān, i liáu-kái. Lóng chiâⁿ hó, i kóng. Kàu-liān mā chai-iáⁿ sim-thiàⁿ. In ê ba̍k-chiu tī bus ê kiàⁿ sio-tú -- lán kóng, sī tī hit-ê îⁿ-kiàⁿ. Chi̍t-ki chhiú chhun kàu Rusty ê keng-thâu, kā tēⁿ chi̍t-ē.

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4. 教練額頭腫一 lu

看著褪腹裼 ê 教練 ùi 樓梯窟予 12 號 kap 2 號 kā 扛出來, 予伊想著一幅畫. 基督 ùi 十字架 hông 扛落來. 雖罔彼是伊上佮意 ê 作品, m̄-koh 伊毋知藝術家 kap 作品 ê 名. 早 tō 離開耳空, 進入太空 ah. 凡勢伊有腦震盪. 姻 kā 教練扛到 bus 後, 予伊撐 tī 上尾排坐位. 因為 bus 坦斜, 姻拂袂好勢伊 ê 頭 -- 一直勾落來. 62 號試搧伊 ê 喙䫌. 若無反應, 她 tō koh án-ne 做. Rusty 徛起來, 向 in 傱去. "恁 teh 創啥?" 伊欲知影. 45 號 kap 8 號 kā 過道擋著. Choăn 伊 peh 坐位, ná 猴 án-ne 一排 peh 過一排. 規隊 ê 人包圍伊. 濟濟手搝伊 ê 衫, 伊 tī 混亂中間扭動身軀, 捒開濟濟手骨 ê 牽纏.

"教練!" 伊大聲喝, 彼時 45 號 tng-teh 對付伊, kā 伊鼻空 ê 棉條拍 lak. 經過小可相觸, 她 kā 伊壓制 tī 塗跤.

"我喘無氣 ah." 45 號 ê 大 chhāi 身軀閘著伊 ê 聲音.

12 號講, "這才是重點."

一聲響雷顫 kah 窗仔閂 kho̍k-kho̍k 叫, in ká-ná 才 koh 想著外口 ê 風雨. 2 號大聲問姻敢猶閣看會著好天? 8 號和 16 號會記得拄才 tī 幾 mai 前有經過一个加油站. 其中一个甚至想起伊 ê 名: SpaceWay (太空道). "在我看, 彼聽著 ká-ná 是有救 ah," 12 號講. 一个計畫開始形成. 姻著等天氣 ê 變化, 天一下清, 姻 tō 欲行轉 Space-Way 敲電話求救. "911, 不准亂來," 12 號補充講. 62 號擔心教練看著真虛. 她建議 koh kā 搧喙䫌 kā 叫醒. 8 號無同意, 講她 bat tī 20/20 節目看著, 講, 昏去 ê 人你若 kā 叫醒, 會變做真暴力. "彼是夢遊 ê 人 lah, 三八," 45 號講, 然後問 12 號, 她是毋是會使放開這个查某體 ê. "我 ê 尻川得欲麻去 ah."

"我贊成她 ê 提議," Rusty tī 她 ê 下面講.

12 號跍落, 問伊是毋是會乖乖. 伊應講, 伊看袂出有啥通選, 因為姻人濟. Án-ne 她看 tō 真好 ah. 她頕頭, 45 號 tō 放開. 伊翻一下身, 血 koh 衝到伊 ê 頭殼. 伊大力 peh-ha̍h, 下頦險仔 lak 去. 今較倚教練 ah, 伊注意著彼人額頭腫一 lu. 虎母隊員心驚驚看 Rusty 行向教練, 袂輸伊是野獸, 毋知會咬人無. Rusty kō͘ 指頭仔挲彼腫腫 ê 皮膚. 教練感覺溫暖. 燒燒.

"伊看著真虛," 伊講. "咱可能著 tī chia 等一陣."

"我 teh 等人建議." 12 號雙手攬 tī 胸前.

伊搖頭. "我無意見."

"若 án-ne, 你 kăn 幌出公路, 是為著好耍 a̍h 啥?" 45 號問.

"A̍h 啥," 伊 kā 講.

12 號 ê 面激一个戇笑, 她 kā 伊講, 著叫她 DeDe.

30 分鐘了後, 45 號發現一个漏斗雲, 大聲叫出來. 其他 ê 虎母隊員 kheh 倚去, kā 面貼 tī 窗仔看. Rusty 和教練留 tī 原位, tī bus 後, 上尾 ê 坐位, Rusty tī 正爿, 教練 tī 倒爿. 教練 ê 頭 khòe tī 窗仔, 喘 ê 氣予玻璃 kha̍h 朦, 喙角有一滴瀾. Rusty 無愛看彼个腫 lu. 金 sih-sih, 逐改伊看 ká-ná 變較大. 伊看別位. 伊心 nih án-ne 想像: in 猶 tī 路 nih, 欲轉厝. 伊 teh 駛車, 教練 teh 講話. 毋是像伊和虎母隊做伙彼款方式, 是 tī 伊考慮詩 ê 時, 降落 tī 伊 ê 彼種安靜, 枵饑 ê 方式. "一个真正食話 ê 人," 伊 bat án-ne 描寫家治, Rusty kā 教練講起 Sparse ê 代誌. Tī 公園 ê 時, 放學了 tī in 兜 ê 時. 講起 Sparse hông 送走, 伊第一擺沐家治 to̍h 火 ê 方式. 食 chiah-ê 話. 教練, 伊了解. 攏誠好, 伊講. 教練 mā 知影心疼. In ê 目睭 tī bus ê 鏡相拄 -- 咱講, 是 tī 彼个圓鏡. 一支手伸到 Rusty ê 肩頭, kā 捏一下.

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The sight of the shirtless coach being toted out of the stairwell by Numbers 12 and 2 reminded him of a painting. Christ being carried down from the cross. The artist and title of the work escaped him though it was a favorite of his. Just zipped out of his ear into the ether. Maybe he was concussed. They took the coach to the back of the bus and propped him up on the last seat. Because of the incline, they had trouble with his head — it kept drooping forward. Number 62 tried slapping him. When nothing happened, she did it again. Rusty got to his feet and lunged toward them. “What are y’all doing?” he wanted to know. Numbers 45 and 8 blocked the aisle. So he took to the seats, monkey-climbing from one to the other. The whole team swarmed him. Hands grasped at his clothes, and he twisted his body through the melee, pushing against the tangle of arms.

“Coach!” he cried, as Number 45 tackled him, knocking the tampons from his nose. After a mild struggle, she pinned him to the floor.

“I cannot breathe.” Number 45’s heft muffled the edge in his voice.

Number 12 said, “That’s the point.”

A slap of thunder rattled the window latches, and they all seemed to remember the storm outside. Number 2 wondered aloud if they’d ever see a sunny day again. Both Number 8 and 16 remembered passing a gas station a few miles back. One of them even recalled its name: the SpaceWay. “Sounds like salvation to me,” Number 12 said. A plan began to form. They’d wait out the weather, and as soon as it was clear, they’d backtrack to the Space-Way and phone for help. “911 and no fooling,” Number 12 added. Number 62 worried about the coach looking so puny. She suggested another slap to rouse him. Number 8 disagreed, claimed she’d seen something on 20/20 about how violent people got if you woke them up from being knocked out. “That’s sleepwalkers, dummy,” Number 45 said, before asking Number 12 if she thought it was all right if she got up off the sissy. “My ass,” she said, “is falling asleep.”

“I second her proposal,” Rusty said from beneath her.

Number 12 squatted and wanted to know if he was prepared to behave himself. He replied that he didn’t see how he had much of a choice, being outnumbered and all. Which seemed good enough for her. She nodded, and Number 45 pushed off. He leaned up, the blood rushing back to his skull. He yawned so big that his jaws popped. Now closer to the coach, he noticed the knot on the man’s forehead. The Lady Tigers regarded Rusty warily, as if he were a wild animal they weren’t sure would bite or not, as he made his way over to the coach. Rusty rubbed his fingers across the swollen skin. The coach felt warm. Feverish.

“He looks so peaked,” he said. “And we could be here a while.”

“I’m open to suggestions.” Number 12 crossed her arms.

He shook his head. “I’m fresh out.”

“So did you just run us off the road for fun or what?” Number 45 asked.

“Or what,” he told her.

Something like a smirk fixed itself on Number 12’s face, and she told him to call her DeDe.

Thirty minutes later, Number 45 spotted a funnel cloud and screeched. The other Lady Tigers scrambled up and pressed their faces to the windows, looking. Rusty and the coach remained where they were, the very last seats in the back of the bus, Rusty on the right seat and the coach on the left. The coach’s head had tilted against his window, his breath fogging the glass, a dewdrop of spittle in the corner of his mouth. Rusty didn’t like the look of the knot. All shiny, it seemed to grow bigger each time he eyed it. He looked away. He imagined they are still on the road, bound for home. He’s driving and the coach is talking. Not the way he does around the Lady Tigers, but in that quiet, hungry way that falls over him when he considers poetry. “A genuine word eater,” he once described himself, and Rusty tells the coach about Sparse. The time in the park, the time at his house after school. The way it burned the first time he touched himself after Sparse had been sent away. Eat these words. The coach, he understands. All too well, he says. The coach has known heartache too. Their eyes meet in the bus mirror — let’s say the circular one. A hand finds Rusty’s shoulder, squeezes.

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