Wednesday, February 16, 2022

S. Hó͘-bó Tūi | 虎母隊 - 1. 大粒雨摔 tī 閘風玻璃

Lady Tigers /by Nick White

Hó͘-bó Tūi | 虎母隊

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1. Tōa lia̍p hō͘ siàng tī cha̍h-hong po-lê

Rusty chē tī bus /básuh/ handóluh āu-bīn, khòaⁿ thiⁿ teh piàn pháiⁿ. Chi̍t-nî chêng, in lāu-pē iáu sī Hó͘-bó Tūi ê kàu-liān ê sî, tî-liáu chò bus su-ki ê ki-pún chit-bū, i iáu tio̍h thè kiû-tūi khoán chúi. M̄-koh, taⁿ ê kàu-liān Culpepper khah hó-sim, bô án-ne iau-kiû i. I kā Rusty kóng i ē-sái lâu tī chhia-téng. Chóng-kóng, Rusty iáu sī ko-nî-kip ha̍k-seng, khó-lêng tio̍h chún-pī kóa tiōng-iàu ê khó-chhì. I sū-si̍t sī bô siáⁿ su-iàu chún-pī.

Cha-àm, in mama ùi Piggy Wiggy (chhiau-kip chhī-tiûⁿ) hā-pan liáu, chah siōng-sin ê Catwoman (niau cha-bó͘, manga cha̍p-chì) tńg-lâi, hō͘ i tī iá-kiû ê sî thang siau-mô͘ sî-kan, m̄-koh taⁿ i ê chù-ì-le̍k í-keng hō͘ bus cha̍h-hong po-lê kheng tio̍h ê thiⁿ só͘ khip-ín. Thiⁿ tī Delta (saⁿ-kak-chiu) chit-ê só͘-chāi pí i koàn-sì khòaⁿ ê soaⁿ-khu khah tōa. Che i chai -- lâng-lâng lóng chai -- m̄-koh tōa kah hiah tōa, iáu sī hō͘ i ì-gōa. Thiⁿ chi̍t-iân koh chi̍t-iân. Chi̍t-liau koh chi̍t-liau ê nâ, sì-kè lóng sī. Hó͘-bó Tūi ē-tàng tī chiah khòng-khoah ê ē-bīn cháu-lúi kap khian-kiû, he sī chi̍t-ê sîn-kî. Lo̍h-bóe, i thêng tī chi̍t-ê hn̄g-hn̄g ê ūi, tī hia ê nâ-sek chhim kah ná kiô-sek. M̄-koh m̄-sī kiô-sek, m̄-sī. Chi̍t-chūn hûn-ian ta̍uh-ta̍uh-á kiâⁿ ǹg kiû-tiâⁿ. Chi̍t-lō͘ seⁿ-thòaⁿ.

Tī nn̄g-kio̍k ê sî-kan lāi, lûi-kong hûn teh thòaⁿ, ná chhiūⁿ teh kha̍h-bông án-ne, ná piàn tōa ná khip-siu kng-sòaⁿ. Bus m̄-sī bīn-hiòng iá-kiû tiûⁿ, m̄-koh Rusty thiaⁿ ē-tio̍h pí-sài ê siaⁿ, kim-sio̍k battah (bat) ê khin-khiang siaⁿ, í-ki̍p tùi-chhiú tūi Lady Stars (Lú Bêng-seng Tūi) sî-put-sî ê hoah siaⁿ. Taⁿ khah tiām leh, lí bián siūⁿ boeh the̍h siáⁿ! Put-ti-put-kak tang-tiong, chá-khí soah khah sêng sī boeh-àm, chi̍t-choā sih-nah phòa-khui hûn-chân. Tōa lia̍p hō͘ tòe leh lâi, siàng tī cha̍h-hong po-lê, kā sè-kài châng tī chúi-ē.

Jiân-āu i thiaⁿ tio̍h yin ê siaⁿ: Hó͘-bó tūi-oân ná khí-kông ê gû teh lòng bus pak-tó͘ piⁿ, ná hoah kín hō͘ yin ji̍p-lâi. I kā mn̂g-chhòaⁿ póe khui, bus mn̂g sûi tō hông kheh khui. Yin chi̍t-ê chi̍t-ê chông ji̍p lâi, sin-khu ū kōaⁿ bī kap thâu-chang ka ê bī, sin chhēng o͘ phòe kim ê chè-ho̍k, chhùi ná teh pûn chhiū-leng-thn̂g. 12-Hō siōng tāi-seng oaiⁿh ji̍p-lâi. Ba̍k-o͘ lâu kàu hún-âng ê chhùi-phé, téng-kat thâu-chang chha-put-to chiâu sòaⁿ. Yi hoaiⁿh kòe ê sî, keng-thâu phāiⁿ ê battah tē-á hiám-á hmh tio̍h i ê thâu. Kúi-ā lâng tòe óa-óa, kheh boeh kín ji̍p-lâi siám-hō͘: 45-, 62-, 33- kap 8-Hō. Yin ná teh chhi-bú-chhī-chhū chi̍t-ê cha-bó͘ chhâi-phòaⁿ ê chhò-gō͘ phòaⁿ-koat hām khó-lêng sī "bôa-kiàⁿ-ê." "Bôa ah bôa," 16-Hō án-ne kóng, ûi-it ê o͘-lâng Hó͘-bó, ín-khí tūi-iú ki-ki kiò.

Kàu-liān khàng khí-lâi ê sî, i í-keng tâm kô͘-kô͘ ah. I ê o͘-sek polo-saⁿ tah-tiâu téng-sin, leng-thâu phok kah khòaⁿ hiān-hiān. I chi̍t-chhiú the̍h siá-jī-pang, iáu chi̍t-chhiú kōaⁿ kam-á-sek Gatorade peng-tháng.

"Bián, lín khó-liân ê kàu-liān bián lâng tàu kha-chhiú," i kóng, ké-kúi teh siū-khì koh hiu chhut-siaⁿ.

Hó͘-bó chhi-chhi chhū-chhū. "Kàu-thâu, lí ē hō͘ chúi iûⁿ khì," 36-Hō kóng. "Lí chin tiⁿ."

Rusty chhun-chhiú boeh kōaⁿ peng-tháng, m̄-koh kàu-liān kō͘ siá-jī-pang kā ia̍t chi̍t-ē, soah kā hō͘-chúi phùn tī Rusty ê ba̍k-kiàⁿ téng.

"Khah mé-lia̍h leh." Kàu-liān kā siá-jī-pang hiat tī Rusty āu-bīn ê chē-ūi, koh kā peng-tháng khǹg lo̍h tī kòe-tō [過道, aisle], khì kho̍k tio̍h 8-Hō ê kha-chhng-táu.

"Heh!" yi kóng, "He sī góa ê āu-táu neh!"

I kā yi kóng, he i chai kah chin chheng-chhó, kiò yi mài ai, thàn yi teh khòaⁿ ê sî, kín kā peng-tháng khǹg tī pī-iōng lián téng.

Oa̍t-thâu ǹg Rusty, i kóng, "Lán ná iáu m̄ kiâⁿ?"

Bus mn̂g iáu khui-khui, hō͘ phùn ji̍p lâi.

"Khòaⁿ sī lo̍h chin tōa, sī bô?" i kóng. "Lán sī-m̄-sī, hmh, sió tán i khah kòe leh?"

Kàu-liān àⁿ sin ǹg chêng, kā Rusty ê ba̍k-kiàⁿ pak lo̍h-lâi. I kiò 2-Hō, yi pí pa̍t-lâng lóng khah ta, tō kō͘ yi ê kiû-saⁿ lâi chhit ba̍k-kiàⁿ-jîn. Tán i koh kā ba̍k-kiàⁿ kòa tī Rusty bīn-téng, i ê chéng-thâu-á khau tio̍h Rusty ê hīⁿ-á, hāi i kha-chiah-phiaⁿ soah giâ ke-bó-phôe.

"Taⁿ lí chài goán tńg khì," kàu-liān kóng, iōng ê sī téng lé-pài i tī Rusty ê AP English* sî liām Miller Williams ê si só͘ iōng ê hit-chióng ûn-ûn-á ê siaⁿ-tiāu. [* AP English = hō͘ ko-tiong-seng siu ê tāi-ha̍k Eng-gí]

"Sī lah," Rusty kóng. "Tong-jiân, Kàu-liān."

I kiò chhéⁿ enjín, siang kha hun-pia̍t khǹg tī kratchi kap breki. Bus hm̍h-siaⁿ oa̍h kòe-lâi, nn̄g-hūn chhâ-iû, chi̍t-hūn ki-su̍t. I ê tōa-thúi kám-kak ē-tio̍h, bus í-keng khùi-la̍t tīⁿ-tīⁿ. I tú boeh pàng tòng-á, kàu-liān hoah-siaⁿ, "Heh, Rus, lí tio̍h seng koaiⁿ hit kho͘ mn̂g."

Mn̂g, tio̍h ah. Mn̂g piàng leh koaiⁿ-hó liáu, i phah it-tòng, khai-sí sái chit-tâi tōa ke-khì hiòng kong-lō͘. Pâi-khì kóng phok-phok kiò, ná chhiūⁿ phah-chhèng, he siaⁿ chhim kah i ê āu-chan mā kám-kak ē-tio̍h. Í-keng lâi kàu chiu-chè kong-lō͘, i chiah ì-sek tio̍h, he siaⁿ m̄-sī bus lâi ê, sī kòng-lûi ê siaⁿ.

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1. 大粒雨摔 tī 閘風玻璃

Rusty 坐 tī bus /básuh/ handóluh 後面, 看天 teh 變歹. 一年前, in 老爸猶是虎母隊 ê 教練 ê 時, 除了做 bus 司機 ê 基本職務, 伊猶著替球隊款水. M̄-koh, 今 ê 教練 Culpepper 較好心, 無 án-ne 要求伊. 伊 kā Rusty 講伊會使留 tī 車頂. 總講, Rusty 猶是高年級學生, 可能著準備寡重要 ê 考試. 伊事實是無啥需要準備.

昨暗, in mama ùi Piggy Wiggy (超級市場) 下班了, 扎上新 ê Catwoman (貓查某, manga 雜誌) 轉來, 予伊 tī 野球 ê 時通消磨時間, m̄-koh 今伊 ê 注意力已經予 bus 閘風玻璃框著 ê 天所吸引. 天 tī Delta (三角洲) 這个所在比伊慣勢看 ê 山區較大. 這伊知 -- 人人攏知 -- m̄-koh 大 kah hiah 大, 猶是予伊意外. 天一沿 koh 一沿. 一 liau koh 一 liau ê 藍, 四界攏是. 虎母隊會當 tī chiah 曠闊 ê 下面走壘 kap 掔球, 彼是一个神奇. 落尾, 伊停 tī 一个遠遠 ê 位, tī hia ê  藍色深 kah ná 茄色. M̄-koh 毋是茄色, 毋是. 一陣雲煙沓沓仔行 ǹg 球埕. 一路生湠. 

Tī 兩局 ê 時間內, 雷公雲 teh 湠, ná 像 teh kha̍h 朦 án-ne, ná 變大 ná 吸收光線. Bus 毋是面向野球場, m̄-koh Rusty 聽會著比賽 ê 聲, 金屬 battah (bat) ê khin-khiang 聲, 以及對手隊 Lady Stars (女明星隊) 時不時 ê 喝聲. 今較恬 leh, 你免想欲提啥! 不知不覺當中, 早起煞較成是欲暗, 一逝爍爁破開雲層. 大粒雨綴 leh 來, 摔 tī 閘風玻璃, kā 世界 châng tī 水下.

然後伊聽著姻 ê 聲: 虎母隊員 ná 起狂 ê 牛 teh 挵 bus 腹肚邊, ná 喝緊予姻入來. 伊 kā 門閂掰開, bus 門隨 tō hông kheh 開. 姻一个一个傱入來, 身軀有汗味 kap 頭鬃膠 ê 味, 身穿烏配金 ê 制服, 喙 ná teh 歕樹奶糖. 12 號上代先 oaiⁿh 入來. 目烏流到粉紅 ê 喙䫌, 頂結頭鬃差不多 chiâu 散. 她 hoaiⁿh 過 ê 時, 肩頭揹 ê battah 袋仔險仔 hmh 著伊 ê 頭. 幾若人綴倚倚, kheh 欲緊入來閃雨: 45-, 62-, 33- kap 8 號. 姻 ná teh chhi-bú-chhī-chhū 一个查某裁判 ê 錯誤判決和可能是 "磨鏡 ê." "磨 ah 磨," 16 號 án-ne 講, 唯一 ê 烏人虎母, 引起隊友 ki-ki 叫.

教練 khàng 起來 ê 時, 伊已經澹糊糊 ah. 伊 ê 烏色 polo 衫貼牢頂身, 奶頭 phok kah 看現現. 伊一手提寫字枋, 猶一手捾柑仔色 Gatorade 冰桶.

"免, 恁可憐 ê 教練免人鬥跤手," 伊講, 假鬼 teh 受氣 koh 咻出聲.

虎母 chhi-chhi chhū-chhū. "教頭, 你會予水溶去," 36 號講. "你真甜."

Rusty 伸手欲捾冰桶, m̄-koh 教練 kō͘ 寫字枋 kā 擛一下, 煞 kā 雨水噴 tī Rusty ê 目鏡頂.

"較猛掠 leh." 教練 kā 寫字枋㧒 tī Rusty 後面 ê 坐位, koh kā 冰桶囥落 tī kòe-tō [過道, aisle], 去硞著 8 號 ê 尻川斗.

"Heh!" 她講, "彼是我 ê 後斗 neh!"

伊 kā 她講, 彼伊知 kah 真清楚, 叫她莫哀, 趁她 teh 看 ê 時, 緊 kā 冰桶囥 tī 備用輪頂.

越頭 ǹg Rusty, 伊講, "咱那猶毋行?"

Bus 門猶開開, 雨噴入來.

"看是落真大, 是無?" 伊講. "咱是毋是, hmh, 小等伊較過 leh?"

教練 àⁿ 身 ǹg 前, kā Rusty ê 目鏡剝落來. 伊叫 2 號, 她比別人攏較焦, tō kō͘ 她 ê 球衫來拭目鏡仁. 等伊 koh kā 目鏡掛 tī Rusty 面頂, 伊 ê 指頭仔剾著 Rusty ê 耳仔, 害伊尻脊骿煞夯雞母皮.

"今你載阮轉去," 教練講, 用 ê 是頂禮拜伊 tī Rusty ê AP English* 時念 Miller Williams ê 詩所用 ê 彼種勻勻仔 ê 聲調. [* AP English = 予高中生修 ê 大學英語]

"是 lah," Rusty 講. "當然, 教練."

伊叫醒 enjín, 雙跤分別囥 tī kratchi kap breki. Bus hm̍h 聲活過來, 兩份柴油, 一份技術. 伊 ê 大腿感覺會著, bus 已經氣力滇滇. 伊拄欲放擋仔, 教練喝聲, "Heh, Rus, 你著先關彼箍門."

門, 著 ah. 門 piàng leh 關好了, 伊拍一檔, 開始駛這台大機器向公路. 排氣管 phok-phok 叫, ná 像拍銃, 彼聲深 kah 伊 ê 後齻 mā 感覺會著. 已經來到州際公路, 伊才意識著, 彼聲毋是 bus 來 ê, 是摃雷 ê 聲.

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Rusty sat behind the wheel of the bus and watched the sky turn sour. A year ago, when his father had coached the Lady Tigers, he’d been expected to serve as the team’s water boy in addition to his regular duties as their bus driver. But Coach Culpepper, bless him, had no such expectations. He told Rusty he could stay on board. After all, Rusty was a senior and probably had important tests to study for. He didn’t.

Last night, after her shift at the Piggly Wiggly, his mom had brought him home the latest Catwoman to help him pass the time during the ball game, but his attention had been sidetracked by the onslaught of sky bracketed within the bus’s windshield. Skies were bigger in the Delta than in the hilly country he was used to. He knew that — everyone did — and yet its bigness still surprised him. The sky pushed on and on. Great swaths of blue every which way. It was a marvel the Lady Tigers could hobble bases and throw balls with so much vastness bearing down on them. Eventually, he spotted in the distance a blue so deep it was purple. Only not purple, no. A sootiness inching toward the ballpark. An infection.

For two innings, the thundercloud spread, billowing out of itself like smoke, soaking up light as it grew. The bus didn’t face the diamond, but Rusty could make out the sounds of the game, the clink of metal bats, the random chants from the opposing team, the Lady Stars. Now hush, you don’t want none of us! Before he realized it, late morning looked more like early evening, and a vein of lightning cracked through the cloud mass. Fat raindrops followed, slapping hard against the windshield, warping the world liquid.

Then he heard them: the Lady Tigers, as they slammed against the side of the bus like blind cows, hollering to be let inside. He pulled the lever above the stick, and the accordion-like door squeezed open. In they hurtled, one by one, smelling of sweat and hair spray, popping Bubble Yum, clad in their black and gold uniforms. Number 12 lumbered up first. Eyeblack smeared down her rosy cheeks, her topknot all but destroyed. The bat bag strapped to her shoulders nearly clocked him in the side of the head as she plodded by. More of them were close behind, pushing to get in out of the rain: Numbers 45 and 62 and 33 and 8. They were yammering on about a female ref’s bad calls and possible “dykeyness.” “Licky, Licky,” said Number 16, the only black Lady Tiger, causing her teammates to squeal.

By the time the coach shoved on, he was soaked. His black polo clung to his torso, his nipples poking through. He held a clipboard in one hand and toted an orange Gatorade cooler with the other.

“Naw, your poor coach don’t need any help,” he said, fake mad and huffing.

The Lady Tigers tittered. “You’ll melt in the water, Coachie,” Number 36 said. “You so sweet.”

Rusty tried to grab the cooler, but the coach waved him away with his clipboard, dousing Rusty’s glasses with rain water.

“Crank us up.” The coach threw the clipboard onto the seat behind Rusty and slung the cooler down the aisle, colliding it with Number 8’s hindquarters.

“Hey!” she said. “That’s my caboose!”

He told her he knew good and goddamn well what it was and to shut up about it and set the cooler on top of the spare tire while she was at it.

Turning back to Rusty, he said, “Why ain’t we movin’?”

The bus door was still open, and rain spat in.

“Looks kind of bad, don’t it?” he said. “Shouldn’t we, um, wait it out?”

The coach leaned forward and removed Rusty’s glasses. He called over Number 2, who was somehow remarkably drier than the others, and used her jersey to wipe off the lenses. As he placed them back onto Rusty’s face, his fingers grazed Rusty’s ears, sending a shock of gooseflesh down his back.

“You get us on home now,” the coach said, using the same steady voice he’d used the week before when reciting a Miller Williams poem to Rusty’s AP English class.

“Well,” Rusty said. “Sure thing, Coach.”

He woke up the engine, balancing his feet between the clutch and brake. The bus roared alive, two parts diesel, one part magic. He could feel it in his groin, the energy all throttled up. Before he let off the brake, the coach yelled, “Hey, Rus, you may want to close the damn door.”

Door, yes. After it had been snapped shut, he shifted to first and guided the massive enterprise toward the road. The exhaust pipe popped off like a shotgun blast, the noise so deep he felt it in his molars. He was already on the interstate before he realized the sound had not been the bus backfiring at all, but thunder.

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