Thursday, November 10, 2022

C42 Hoe-lêng-ki | 飛行機 - a 有一个人 teh 飛

The Flying Machine /by Ray Bradbury

Hoe-lêng-ki | 飛行機


1. Ū chi̍t-ê lâng teh poe

Kong-goân 400 nî, China [支那] ê Yuan [元] Hông-tè tī Tn̂g-siâⁿ piⁿ, chē tī hông-chō, hō͘-chúi kā thó͘-tē ak kah chheⁿ piàng-piàng, chok-bu̍t tán boeh ū hó siu-sêng, sì-kè chi̍t-phiàn pêng-hô, i só͘ thóng-tī ê peh-sèⁿ bô sǹg chin hēng-hok, mā bē án-nóa pi-ai.

Kòe-nî liáu tē-jī kò goe̍h, tē-it lé-pài tē-it kang ê thàu-chá, Yuan Hông-tè tng-teh hah-tê, ná kō͘ khôe-sìⁿ ia̍t chi̍t-chūn chi̍t-chūn un-loán ê chheng-hong, hit-sî chi̍t-ê lô͘-po̍k cháu kòe hoe-hn̂g âng-sek hām nâ-sek tē-chng, ná án-ne hiu, "Oh, Hông-siōng, Hông-siōng ah, ū tōa kî-chek!"

"Sī lah," Hông-tè kóng, "chá-khí ê khong-khì chiâⁿ chheng-phang."

"M̄-sī, m̄-sī, sī ū kî-chek lah!" lô͘-po̍k kóng, kín koh oan-io kiâⁿ-lé.

"Góa chhùi lim ê tê chiâⁿ kam, che tong-jiân sī chi̍t-ê kî-chek."

"M̄-sī, m̄-sī che lah, Hông-siōng."

"Nā án-ne, góa lâi ioh khòaⁿ-māi -- Ji̍t-thâu í-keng chhut-lâi, sin ê chi̍t-kang koh lâi kàu-ūi. A̍h-sī kóng, hái hiah-nī nâ. Tō-sī kóng, chit-má chit-ê sî-kan tō-sī siōng chán ê kî-chek."

"Hông-siōng, ū chi̍t-ê lâng teh poe!"

"Hăⁿ?" Hông-tè ê khôe-sìⁿ tòng-tiām.

"Góa khòaⁿ hit-ê lâng tī khong-tiong, chi̍t-ê kō͘ si̍t teh poe ê lâng. Góa thiaⁿ tio̍h thiⁿ-téng ū lâng kiò ê siaⁿ, góa chi̍t-ē gia̍h-thâu, khòaⁿ tio̍h i tī hia, thiⁿ-téng ū chi̍t-chiah liông, chhùi-nih ū chi̍t-ê lâng. He liông sī kō͘ chóa kap tek-á chò ê, sek-chúi ná chhiūⁿ ji̍t-thâu hām chheⁿ-chháu.

"Thàu-chá thàu-iāu," Hông-tè kóng, "lí sī m̄-sī iáu teh bîn-bāng?"

"Thàu-chá thàu-iāu, m̄-koh góa chèng-keng ū khòaⁿ tio̍h he! Tòe góa lâi, lí mā ē khòaⁿ tio̍h."

"Lâi góa chia chē," Hông-tè kóng. "Lim kóa tê. Khòaⁿ tio̍h ū lâng teh poe, he tiāⁿ-tio̍h sī chi̍t-kiāⁿ koài-sū. Lí tio̍h ài ū sî-kan khó-lī chi̍t-ē, sīm-chì góa, mā su-iàu sî-kan ūi chit-lō kéng-siōng chò chún-pī." In tō chò-hóe lim tê.

"Chhiáⁿ kóaⁿ-kín," lô͘-po̍k chòe-āu kóng, "nā-bô, i tō cháu khì ah." Hông-tè khí-sin, sim-koaⁿ ná teh chhim-chhim su-khó. "Lí taⁿ ē-sái chhōa góa khì khòaⁿ lí khòaⁿ tio̍h ê mi̍h-kiāⁿ."

In kiâⁿ ji̍p chi̍t-ê hoe-hn̂g, keng-kòe chi̍t-tè chháu-po͘, kòe chi̍t-chō sió kiô, koh nǹg kòe chi̍t-phìⁿ chhiū-nâ, peh chiūⁿ chi̍t-ê sió soaⁿ-lūn.

"Tī hia!" lô͘-po̍k kóng.

Hông-tè ǹg thiⁿ-téng khòaⁿ.

Thiⁿ-téng koân-koân hia, ū chi̍t-ê lâng teh chhiò, koân kah lí kiông-boeh thiaⁿ bē-tio̍h i ê chhiò siaⁿ. Hit-lâng chhēng kng-iām ê chóa, lô͘-tek chò ê si̍t, koh ū chi̍t-ê chin súi ê n̂g-sek ê bóe. I tī hia poe lâi poe khì, ná ú-tiū tiong siōng tōa ê chiáu, mā ná kó͘-chá liông-kok sî-tāi ê chi̍t-bóe sin liông.

Hit-lâng tī chá-khí ê liâng-hong tang-tiong, hiòng in hoah-siaⁿ. "Góa poe, góa poe!"

Lô͘-po̍k hiòng i ia̍t-chhiú. "Sī ah, sī lah!"

Yuan Hông-tè tiām-tiām bô tín-tāng. I tian-tò khì khòaⁿ China ê Tn̂g-siâⁿ, taⁿ tng-teh ùi hn̄g-hn̄g bông-bū ê chheng-san tiong-kan hián-chhut hêng-chōng, he sī chi̍t-bóe chio̍h-thâu chō-sêng ê hui-hông tōa-chôa, tī kui tōa-phìⁿ ê thó͘-tē téng-bīn ui-ui hong-hong sô-tāng. Chit-chō kî-miāu ê siâⁿ-chhiûⁿ tī bô-chīn-pōng ê sî-kan lāi-té pó-hō͘ in mài cho-siū te̍k-jîn, chē-chē nî lâi it-ti̍t pó-chhî hô-pêng. I khòaⁿ tio̍h óa tī chi̍t-tiâu hô, chi̍t-tiâu lō͘ hām chi̍t-lia̍p soaⁿ piⁿ-á ê hit-ê siâⁿ-tìn tú-tú khai-sí teh chhéⁿ lâi.

"Lí kā góa kóng," i tùi lô͘-po̍k kóng, "ū pa̍t-lâng khòaⁿ tio̍h hit-ê teh poe ê lâng bô?"

"Kan-ta góa khòaⁿ tio̍h, Hông-siōng," lô͘-po̍k kóng, ná khòaⁿ thiⁿ-téng ná teh ia̍t-chhiú.

Hông-tè koh khòaⁿ thiⁿ-téng chi̍t hun-cheng, jiân-āu kóng, "Kā i kiò lo̍h-lâi góa chia."

"Heh, lo̍h-lâi, lo̍h-lâi! Hông-tè hi-bōng boeh kìⁿ lí!" lô͘-po̍k, siang-chhiú ûi tī chhùi piⁿ, án-ne kiò.

Hit-ê poe-lâng tī chá-sî ê hong tiong poe lo̍h-lâi ê sî, Hông-tè sì-kè khòaⁿ chi̍t-ē. I khòaⁿ tio̍h chi̍t-ê thàu-chá tō lâi chhân-hn̂g ê chò-sit-lâng mā tng-teh khòaⁿ thiⁿ-téng, i chù-ì hit-ê chò-sit-lâng khiā ê só͘-chāi.

Poe-lâng lo̍h kàu-tè ê sî, ū chi̍t-chūn chóa sa-sa kiò hām lô͘-tek ki-ki koāiⁿ-koāiⁿ ê siaⁿ. I chin hong-sîn khì án-ne kiâⁿ hiòng Hông-tè, hit-sin chong-pī hō͘ i tōng-chok bē liú-lia̍h, m̄-koh chòe-āu i lâi-kàu lāu-lâng bīn-chêng oan-io kiâⁿ-lé.

"Lí sī teh chhòng-siáⁿ?" Hông-tè mn̄g.

"Góa tú-chiah tī thiⁿ-téng poe, Hông-siōng," hit-lâng hôe-tap.

"Lí sī teh chhòng-siáⁿ?" Hông-tè koh án-ne kóng.

"Góa tú-chiah í-keng kā lí ìn kòe!" poe-lâng kiò chhut-siaⁿ.

"Lí kin-pún to bô kă kóng siáⁿ." Hông-tè chhun-chhut chi̍t-ki sán-sán ê chhiú khì bong he súi chóa hām he ná chiáu-á liông-kut ê ke-si. He phīⁿ khí-lâi chheng-liâng, ū hong ê khì-bī.

"Che kám m̄-sī chin súi, Hông-siōng?"

"Sī ah, ū-kàu súi ê."

"Che sī sè-kài ûi-it ê mi̍h-kiāⁿ!" hit-lâng chhiò-chhiò án-ne kóng. "Che sī góa hoat-bêng ê."

"Sè-kài ûi-it?" 

"Góa ē-sái chiù-chōa!"

"Iáu ū siáng chai-iaⁿ che?"

"Bô lâng ah. Liân goán bó͘ mā m̄-chai, yi siūⁿ-kóng góa ūi goán kiáⁿ teh siáu. Yi siūⁿ-kóng góa sī teh chò hong-chhoe. Góa tī pòaⁿ-mê khí-chhn̂g, kiâⁿ kàu hn̄g-hn̄g ê soaⁿ-khàm téng. Tán chá-sî ê hong khai-sí chhoe, ji̍t-thâu chhut-lâi ê sî, góa kó͘-khí ióng-khì, Hông-siōng, ùi khàm-téng thiàu lo̍h. Góa poe khí-lâi! m̄-koh, che goán bó͘ lóng m̄-chai."

"Án-ne tùi yi khah hó," Hông-tè kóng. "Tòe góa lâi."

In kiâⁿ tńg kàu tōa chhù. Chit-sî ji̍t-thâu í-keng tōa chhut, chháu ê khì-bī chheng-phang.

Hông-tè, lô͘-po̍k, hām poe-lâng tī tōa hoe-hn̂g lāi-té thêng lo̍h-lâi.


1. 有一个人 teh 飛

公元 400 年, China [支那] ê Yuan [元] 皇帝 tī 長城邊, 坐 tī 皇座, 雨水 kā 土地沃甲青 piàng-piàng, 作物等欲有好收成, 四界一片平和, 伊所統治 ê 百姓無算真幸福, mā 袂按怎悲哀.

過年了第二個月, 第一禮拜第一工 ê 透早, Yuan 皇帝 tng-teh 哈茶, ná kō͘ 葵扇擛一陣一陣溫暖 ê 清風, 彼時一个奴僕走過花園紅色和藍色地磚, ná án-ne 咻, "Oh, 皇上, 皇上 ah, 有大奇蹟!"

"是 lah," 皇帝講, "早起 ê 空氣誠清芳."

"毋是, 毋是, 是有奇蹟 lah!" 奴僕講, 緊 koh 彎腰行禮.

"我喙啉 ê 茶誠甘, 這當然是一个奇蹟."

"毋是, 毋是這 lah, 皇上."

"若 án-ne, 我來臆看覓 -- 日頭已經出來, 新 ê 一工 koh 來到位. 抑是講, 海 hiah-nī 藍. Tō 是講, 這馬這个時間 tō 是上讚 ê 奇蹟."

"皇上, 有一个人 teh 飛!"

"Hăⁿ?" 皇帝 ê 葵扇擋恬.

"我看彼个人 tī 空中, 一个 kō͘ 翼 teh 飛 ê 人. 我聽著天頂有人叫 ê 聲, 我一下攑頭, 看著伊 tī 遐, 天頂有一隻龍, 喙 nih 有一个人. He 龍是 kō͘ 紙 kap 竹仔做 ê, 色水若像日頭和青草.

"透早透曜," 皇帝講, "你是毋是猶 teh 眠夢?"

"透早透曜, 毋過我正經有看著彼! 綴我來, 你 mā 會看著."

"來我遮坐," 皇帝講. "啉寡茶. 看著有人 teh 飛, 彼定著是一件怪事. 你著愛有時間考慮一下, 甚至我, mā 需要時間為這號景象做準備." In tō 做伙啉茶.

"請趕緊," 奴僕最後講, "若無, 伊 tō 走去 ah." 皇帝起身, 心肝 ná teh 深深思考. "你今會使 chhōa 我去看你看著 ê 物件."

In 行入一个花園, 經過一塊草埔, 過一座小橋, koh 軁過一片樹林, peh 上一个小山崙.

"Tī 遐!" 奴僕講.

皇帝 ǹg 天頂看.

天頂懸懸遐, 有一个人 teh 笑, 懸甲你強欲聽袂著伊 ê 笑聲. 彼人穿光艷 ê 紙, 蘆竹做 ê 翼, koh 有一个真媠 ê 黃色 ê 尾. 伊 tī 遐飛來飛去, ná 宇宙中上大 ê 鳥, mā ná 古早龍國時代 ê 一尾新龍.

彼人 tī 早起 ê 涼風當中, 向 in 喝聲. "我飛, 我飛!"

奴僕向伊擛手. "是 ah, 是 lah!"

Yuan 皇帝恬恬無振動. 伊顛倒去看 China ê 長城, 今 tng-teh ùi 遠遠雺霧 ê 青山中間顯出形狀, 彼是一尾石頭造成 ê 輝煌大蛇, tī 規大片 ê 土地頂面威威風風趖動. 這座奇妙 ê 城牆 tī 無盡磅 ê 時間內底保護 in 莫遭受敵人, 濟濟年來一直保持和平. 伊看著倚 tī 一條河, 一條路和一粒山邊仔 ê 彼个城鎮拄拄開始 teh 醒來.

"你 kā 我講," 伊對奴僕講, "有別人看著彼个 teh 飛 ê 人無?"

"干焦我看著, 皇上," 奴僕講, ná 看天頂 ná teh 擛手.

皇帝 koh 看天頂一分鐘, 然後講, "Kā 伊叫落來我遮."

"Heh, 落來, 落來! 皇帝希望欲見你!" 奴僕, 雙手圍 tī 喙邊, án-ne 叫.

彼个飛人 tī 早時 ê 風中飛落來 ê 時, 皇帝四界看一下. 伊看著一个透早 tō 來田園 ê 做穡人 mā tng-teh 看天頂, 伊注意彼个做穡人徛 ê 所在.

飛人落到地 ê 時, 有一陣紙 sa-sa 叫和蘆竹 ki-ki koāiⁿ-koāiⁿ ê 聲. 伊真風神氣 án-ne 行向皇帝, 彼身裝備予伊動作袂扭掠, 毋過最後伊來到老人面前彎腰行禮.

"你是 teh 創啥?" 皇帝問.

"我拄才 tī 天頂飛, 皇上," 彼人回答.

"你是 teh 創啥?" 皇帝 koh án-ne 講.

"我拄才已經 kā 你應過!" 飛人叫出聲.

"你根本 to 無 kă  講啥." 皇帝伸出一支瘦瘦 ê 手去摸 he 媠紙和 he ná 鳥仔龍骨 ê 家私. He 鼻起來清涼, 有風 ê 氣味.

"這敢毋是真媠, 皇上?"

"是 ah, 有夠媠 ê."

"這是世界唯一 ê 物件!" 彼人笑笑 án-ne 講. "這是我發明 ê."



"猶有 siáng 知影這?"

"無人 ah. 連阮某 mā 毋知, 她想講我為阮囝 teh 痟. 她想講我是 teh 做風吹. 我 tī 半暝起床, 行到遠遠 ê 山崁頂. 等早時 ê 風開始吹, 日頭出來 ê 時, 我鼓起勇氣, 皇上, ùi 崁頂跳落. 我飛起來! 毋過, 這阮某攏毋知."

"Án-ne 對她較好," 皇帝講. "綴我來."

In 行轉到大厝. 這時日頭已經大出, 草 ê 氣味清芳.

皇帝, 奴僕, 和飛人 tī 大花園內底停落來.



In the year A.D. 400, the Emperor Yuan held his throne by the Great Wall of China, and the land was green with rain, readying itself toward the harvest, at peace, the people in his dominion neither too happy nor too sad.

Early on the morning of the first day of the first week of the second month of the new year, the Emperor Yuan was sipping tea and fanning himself against a warm breeze when a servant ran across the scarlet and blue garden tiles, calling, "Oh, Emperor, Emperor, a miracle!"

"Yes," said the Emperor, "the air is sweet this morning."

"No, no, a miracle!" said the servant, bowing quickly.

"And this tea is good in my mouth, surely that is a miracle."

"No, no, Your Excellency."

"Let me guess then - the sun has risen and a new day is upon us. Or the sea is blue. That now is the finest of all miracles."

"Excellency, a man is flying!"

"What?" The Emperor stopped his fan.

"I saw him in the air, a man flying with wings. I heard a Voice call out of the sky, and when I looked up, there he was, a dragon in the heavens with a man in its mouth, a dragon of paper and bamboo, coloured like the sun and the grass."

"It is early," said the Emperor, "and you have just wakened from a dream."

"It is early, but I have seen what I have seen! Come, and you will see it too."

"Sit down with me here," said the Emperor. "Drink some tea. It must be a strange thing, if it is true, to see a man fly. You must have time to think of it, even as I must have time to prepare myself for the sight." They drank tea.

"Please," said the servant at last, "or he will be gone." The Emperor rose thoughtfully. "Now you may show me what you have seen."

They walked into a garden, across a meadow of grass, over a small bridge, through a grove of trees, and up a tiny hill.

"There!" said the servant.

The Emperor looked into the sky.

And in the sky, laughing so high that you could hardly hear him laugh, was a man; and the man was clothed in bright papers and reeds to make wings and a beautiful yellow tail, and he was soaring all about like the largest bird in a universe of birds, like a new dragon in a land of ancient dragons.

The man called down to them from high in the cool winds of morning. "I fly, I fly!"

The servant waved to him. "Yes, yes!"

The Emperor Yuan did not move. Instead he looked at the Great Wall of China now taking shape out of the farthest mist in the green hills, that splendid snake of stones which writhed with majesty across the entire land. That wonderful wall which had protected them for a timeless time from enemy hordes and preserved peace for years without number. He saw the town, nestled to itself by a river and a road and a hill, beginning to waken.

"Tell me," he said to his servant, "has anyone else seen this flying man?"

"I am the only one, Excellency," said the servant, smiling at the sky, waving.

The Emperor watched the heavens another minute and then said, "Call him down to me."

"Ho, come down, come down! The Emperor wishes to see you!" called the servant, hands cupped to his shouting mouth.

The Emperor glanced in all directions while the flying man soared down the morning wind. He saw a farmer, early in his fields, watchihg the sky, and he noted where the farmer stood.

The flying man alit with a rustle of paper and a creak of bamboo reeds. He came proudly to the Emperor, clumsy in his rig, at last bowing before the old man.

"What have you done?" demanded the Emperor.

"I have flown in the sky, Your Excellency," replied the man.

"What have you done?" said the Emperor again.

"I have just told you!" cried the flier.

"You have told me nothing at all." The Emperor reached out a thin hand to touch the pretty paper and the birdlike keel of the apparatus. It smelled cool, of the wind.

"Is it not beautiful, Excellency?"

"Yes, too beautiful."

"It is the only one in the world!" smiled the man. "And I am the inventor." 

"The only one in the world?" 

"I swear it!"

"Who else knows of this?"

"No one. Not even my wife, who would think me mad with the son. She thought I was making a kite. I rose in the night and walked to the cliffs far away. And when the morning breezes blew and the sun rose, I gathered my courage, Excellency, and leaped from the cliff. I flew! But my wife does not know of it."

"Well for her, then," said the Emperor. "Come along."

They walked back to the great house. The sun was full in the sky now, and the smell of the grass was refreshing.

The Emperor, the servant, and the flier paused within the huge garden.


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