Saturday, November 12, 2022

C43 Hái-éng | 海湧 - a 海水湧甲真厲害

The Wave /by Liam O’Flaherty

Hái-éng | 海湧


1. Hái-chúi éng kah chin lī-hāi

Hit-ê soaⁿ-khàm ū 200 chhioh koân. Ùi chháu ōng-ōng ê siōng koân tiám, i hiòng gōa-kháu chhu-lo̍h, seng sī 10 chhioh ê chhiah-sek chhùi-chio̍h-á, koh lo̍h-khì sī 170 chhioh ê phú-sek chio̍h-hoe-chio̍h, tōa chio̍h-pang chi̍t-tè chi̍t-tè thia̍p pêⁿ-pêⁿ, chio̍h-pang tiong-kan ū khang-phāng, hái-chiáu tī hia chò-siū. Hiòng gōa ê kiā, tī kàu té 20 chhioh koân ê ūi hoán îⁿ, jiân-āu chio̍h-khàm kiu hiòng lāi, chō-sêng chi̍t-ê iân chio̍h-piah kàu thô͘-té khut ê àm-àm soaⁿ-tōng. Tōng-kháu koân 20 chhioh, tōng-téng kàu lāi-té sio-chiap tio̍h tōng-té, he sī chi̍t-tè ùi khàm té chhun hiòng hái-tiong ê pêⁿ chio̍h-pang. Tōng-téng sī o͘-sek ê chio̍h-pang, kàu lāi-bīn hia, ū chi̍t tōa iân ê n̂g-sek chhùi-chio̍h-á.

Soaⁿ-khàm sī hiòng lāi áu ê pòaⁿ-îⁿ hêng. Siang kak lóng ū chi̍t-ê o͘-sek khih-khih ê chio̍h-ta, ùi khàm-té iân chhut kàu hái-tiong.

Chio̍h-ta tiong-kan ū chi̍t-ê hái-oan. M̄-koh hái pēng bô ji̍p-kàu pòaⁿ-îⁿ ê soaⁿ-khàm. Kan-ta hái-éng ùi chhim hái peh kòe pêⁿ chio̍h-thâu éng hiòng soaⁿ-khàm khì. Keng-kòe kúi chheng nî ê chiàn-tàu, tōa-hái í-keng thun-chia̍h goân-pún khiā tī pòaⁿ-îⁿ-hêng pêⁿ chio̍h-thâu téng-bīn hit pō͘-hūn ê soaⁿ-khàm.

Chit sî-chūn khòaⁿ sī teh hái-tiòng. M̄-koh hái-chúi éng kah chin lī-hāi, múi-kái hái-éng thè khì, hit nn̄g-pâi chio̍h-ta tō hián-lō chhut-lâi, it-ti̍t kàu in khòaⁿ khí-lâi ná-chhiūⁿ nn̄g-chō tîm kàu hái-té chhái-khòng ê o͘-sek tn̂g kǹg-kè. Thè khì ê hái-chúi kā ná-chhiūⁿ in ê chho͘ chang-mo͘ ê âng hái-chháu khiú kah ti̍t thiu-thiu. Hái-éng lia̍h-koân keng-kòe chio̍h-ta, loān chhau-chhau án-ne ji̍p-kàu hái-oan, tī hái-oan ê tiong-ng sio-tú, tui lâi jiok khì, hō͘-siong peh kòe tùi-hong āu-piah, thán-khiā bū-chhut le̍k-sek kap pe̍h-sek ê iá-bân chúi-thiāu, hit-sî in he kēng oan ê chang-mo͘ tō sio-chông. Kō͘ chi̍t-ê ná iau-koài ê kha-hoa̍h, in án-ne hāⁿ kòe pêⁿ chio̍h-thâu. Jiân-āu chhut chi̍t-ê peh-ha̍h ê siaⁿ, in tiùⁿ-koân kàu soaⁿ-khàm ê pòaⁿ-io. Tán in chông tio̍h soaⁿ-khàm koh tò-tōaⁿ ê sî, tō hoat-chhut chi̍t-ê kiông-la̍t ê háu-siaⁿ. Jiân-āu in koh tîm lo̍h-khì, sòaⁿ-khui chi̍t-jiah chi̍t-jiah ê le̍k-sek hām pe̍h-sek, kín-kín thè-āu. In ùi hái-iûⁿ ê heng-khám giâ-khí koh kàng-lo̍h, ká-ná sī chi̍t-ê iau-kúi kū-jîn teh tōa-la̍t chhoán-khùi.

Jiân-āu, hái-tiâu tiùⁿ kàu siōng-koân tiám, ū chi̍t-chūn ê hioh-khùn. Hái-éng phah chio̍h-ta ê sî, chha-put-to bô chhut-siaⁿ, tō koh bān-bān thè khì. Chio̍h-ta tiong-kan ê hái-chô, ná-chhiūⁿ chúi tī iô-tāng po-lê-poe lāi-bīn teh ngiú-tāng. Soaⁿ-khàm piah-bīn ê sek sī o͘-ê, chhiong-móa kiâm-chúi, ùi té-pō͘ lâu chhut-lâi, múi chi̍t-káng sió chúi-lâu ê siaⁿ, lóng tī hut-jiân ê tiām-chēng tiong-kan thiaⁿ ē-tio̍h.

Āu-lâi, tiām-chēng phah phòa. Hái-chúi koh chhiâng tńg-lâi. Kō͘ chúi-kiû piak phòa ê hit-chióng sok-tō͘ hām tōng-chok, i tōaⁿ hiòng āu. Jiân-āu, i ná chi̍t-tó͘ lap-o ê chhiûⁿ giâ khí, ùi chit-thâu chio̍h-ta kàu hit-thâu chio̍h-ta, thong-kòe kui-ê hái-oan, iân hái-oan ê té, hiong-kông giâ khí ê éng, kan-ta lâu chi̍t-têng po̍h chúi khàm tī hái ê lō͘-thé téng-bīn, thàng-kòe he ē-tàng khòaⁿ-tio̍h hái-iûⁿ chhim-chhù siûⁿ-siûⁿ ê hái-chháu.


1. 海水湧甲真厲害

彼个山崁有 200 尺懸. Ùi 草旺旺 ê 上懸點, 伊向外口趨落, 先是 10 尺 ê 赤色碎石仔, koh 落去是 170 尺 ê 殕色石灰石, 大石枋一塊一塊疊平平, 石枋中間有空縫, 海鳥 tī 遐做岫. 向外 ê 崎, tī 到底 20 尺懸 ê 位反圓, 然後石崁勼向內, 造成一个沿石壁到塗底窟 ê 暗暗山洞. 洞口懸 20 尺, 洞頂到內底相接著洞底, 彼是一塊 ùi 崁底伸向海中 ê 平石枋. 洞頂是烏色 ê 石枋, 到內面遐, 有一大沿 ê 黃色碎石仔.

山崁是向內拗 ê 半圓形. 雙角攏有一个烏色 khih-khih ê 石礁, ùi 崁底延出到海中.

石礁中間有一个海灣. 毋過海並無入到半圓 ê 山崁. 干焦海湧 ùi 深海 peh 過平石頭湧向山崁去. 經過幾千年 ê 戰鬥, 大海已經吞食原本徛 tī 半圓形平石頭頂面彼部份 ê 山崁.

這時陣看是 teh 海漲. 毋過海水湧甲真厲害, 每改海湧退去, 彼兩排石礁 tō 顯露出來, 一直到 in 看起來若像兩座沉到海底採礦 ê 烏色長鋼架. 退去 ê 海水 kā 若像 in ê 粗鬃毛 ê 紅海草搝甲直抽抽. 海湧掠懸經過石礁, 亂操操 án-ne 入到海灣, tī 海灣 ê 中央相拄, 追來逐去, 互相 peh 過對方後壁, 坦徛霧出綠色 kap 白色 ê 野蠻水柱, 彼時 in he 楗彎 ê 鬃毛 tō sio 傱. Kō͘ 一个 ná 妖怪 ê 跤伐, in án-ne 迒過平石頭. 然後出一个 peh-ha̍h ê 聲, in 漲懸到山崁 ê 半腰. 等 in 傱著山崁 koh 倒彈 ê 時, tō 發出一个強力 ê 吼聲. 然後 in koh 沉落去, 散開一跡一跡 ê 綠色和白色, 緊緊退後. In ùi 海洋 ê 胸坎夯起 koh 降落, 敢若是一个枵鬼巨人 teh 大力喘氣.

然後, 海潮漲到上懸點, 有一陣 ê 歇睏. 海湧拍石礁 ê 時, 差不多無出聲, tō koh 慢慢退去. 石礁中間 ê 海槽, 若像水 tī 搖動玻璃杯內面 teh ngiú 動. 山崁壁面 ê 色是烏 ê, 充滿鹹水, ùi 底部流出來, 每一港小水流 ê 聲, 攏 tī 忽然 ê 恬靜中間聽會著.

後來, 恬靜拍破. 海水 koh 沖轉來. Kō͘ 水球煏破 ê 彼種速度和動作, 伊彈向後. 然後, 伊 ná 一堵 lap-o ê 牆夯起, ùi 這頭石礁到彼頭石礁, 通過規个海灣, 沿海灣 ê 底, 兇狂夯起 ê 湧, 干焦留一重薄水崁 tī 海 ê 露體頂面, 迵過 he 會當看著海洋深處𣻸𣻸 ê 海草.



The cliff was two hundred feet high. It sloped outwards from its grassy summit, along ten feet of brown gravel, down one hundred and seventy feet of grey limestone, giant slabs piled horizontally with large slits between the slabs where sea-birds nested. The outward slope came to a round point twenty feet from the base and there the cliff sank inwards, making a dark cavern along the cliffs face into the bowels of the earth. At the mouth the cavern was twenty feet high and at the rear its roof touched its floor, a flat rock that stretched from the base of the cliff to the sea. The cavern had a black-slate roof and at the rear there was a large streak of yellow gravel.

The cliff was semicircular. And at each corner a black jagged reef jutted from its base out into the sea.

Between the reefs there was a little cove. But the sea did not reach to the semicircle of the cliff. Only its waves swept up from the deep over the flat rock to the cliff. The sea had eaten up the part of the cliff that rested on that semicircle of flat rock, during thousands of years of battle.

It was nearly high tide. But the sea moved so violently that the two reefs bared with each receding wave until they seemed to be long shafts of black steel sunk into the bowels of the ocean. Their thick manes of red seaweed were sucked stiff by each fleeing wave. The waves came towering into the cove across both reefs, confusedly, meeting midway in the cove, chasing one another, climbing over one another's backs, spitting savage columns of green and white water vertically, when their arched manes clashed. In one monstrous stride they crossed the flat rock. Then with a yawning sound they swelled up midway in the cliff. There was a mighty roar as they struck the cliff and rebounded. Then they sank again, dishevelled masses of green and white, hurrying backward. They rose and fell from the bosom of the ocean, like the heavy breathing of a gluttonous giant.

Then the tide reached its highest point and there was a pause. The waves hardly made any noise as they struck the cliff, and they drivelled backwards slowly. The trough of the sea between the reefs was convulsing like water in a shaken glass. The cliffs face was black, drenched with brine, that streamed from its base, each tiny rivulet noisy in the sudden silence.

Then the silence broke. The sea rushed back. With the speed and motion of a bladder bursting it sprang backwards. Then it rose upwards in a concave wall, from reef to reef, across the cove, along whose bottom the slimy weeds of the ocean depths were visible through the thin sheet of water left to cover the sea's nakedness by the fury of the rising wave.


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