Sunday, November 13, 2022

C43b 山崁消失 ah

2. Soaⁿ-khàm siau-sit ah

Ū chi̍t-khùn, he éng khiā tiām bô tín-tāng, hián-hiān súi-khùi ê kông-iá koh kū-tāi. I thâu-chêng ê té-pō͘ khih-khih bô chê, pe̍h pho tiám-tiám, ná-chhiūⁿ tú khí-hó ê kim-jī-thah sì-chiu-ûi hiat ê chhùi-phìⁿ. Jiân-āu, chi̍t-tiâu chhim-nâ ê tòa-á ùi chit-thâu kàu hit-thâu cháu-kòe i piáu-bīn, kō͘ chi̍t-ê oân-bí ê oan-soàⁿ hiòng lāi kàng lo̍h. Koh-lâi sī chi̍t-tiâu khah khoah ê tòa-á, chheⁿ-sek phùn pe̍h tiám. Jiân-āu, éng ê thâu kau hiòng gōa, oan kah ná-chhiūⁿ siū-khì thian-gô ê ām-kún. Hit-ê kēng oan ê thâu ū chi̍t-siâm hiah chhim, sī thàu-bêng ê chheⁿ-sek, piⁿ-á kheng gû-leng pe̍h. I ê āu-piah ū tōa-tù ê chúi kā thèⁿ tio̍h, múi-tù lóng kúi-ā chheng tòng.

Pho-lōng thâu-khí-seng bān-bān-á thui-chìn, hoat-chhut kōng-kōng-kiò ê siaⁿ. He khó-phà ê chúi-thé ùi chit-thâu kàu hit-thâu tâng-chê thui-chìn, i he ná peng hiah kng-ku̍t ê heng-pō͘ liân chi̍t-sut-á jiâu-hûn to bô. M̄-koh, ùi i ê koân-téng lo̍h chi̍t-chūn siak-lo̍h ê pe̍h-pho, ùi tang kàu sai, hiòng āu-piah lak-lo̍h kàu hái ê keng-thâu, iā-tō-sī tòe tī hái-éng āu-bīn sak i kàu soaⁿ-khàm ê chi̍t-lu chi̍t-lu ná sió soaⁿ-lūn ê hái-chúi. Hit-ê kū-tāi ê soaⁿ-khàm, tī hit-chō kiâⁿ-tāng ê iā nâ, iā le̍k hām pe̍h ê chúi chhiûⁿ bīn-thâu-chêng, khòaⁿ khí-lâi sè-sè ah.

Jiân-āu, ū chi̍t-ê háu-siaⁿ. Pho-lōng hiòng koân éng khí-khì, ta̍t-kàu chòe koân tiám. Éng ê téng-lēng phòa khì, chúi-tiám pok chhut-lâi, ná-chhiūⁿ liâu-gê án-ne oan hiòng ē-bīn. Khòaⁿ-tio̍h ká-ná i sī thâu-khak lê-lê, chi̍t-lō͘ chông khì lòng soaⁿ-khàm. Chek-sî, hái-éng hām soaⁿ-khàm, tī ná peh-ha̍h, ná hiu koh háu ê pe̍h-chúi ê kún-ká tiong-kan, lóng bô khòaⁿ-e iáⁿ.

Kui-ê pòaⁿ-îⁿ ê soaⁿ-khàm siau-sit tī pe̍h-chúi nih, chhèng khí-lâi ê chúi-bū jia tio̍h thiⁿ. Tī hit-ê sî-chūn, tāi-chì sī án-ne. Kòe chi̍t-ē-á, phòa-khì ê éng lak lo̍h-lâi, hòa-chò bû-sò͘ cháu-chông ê chhùi-phìⁿ, poe hiòng tōa-hái. Soaⁿ-khàm koh khòaⁿ ē-tio̍h ah.

M̄-koh, tī soaⁿ-khàm ê tiong-ng, tī soaⁿ-tōng téng-koân hia, í-keng ū chi̍t-ê o͘ ê tōa khang-chhùi khui-khui. Soaⁿ-khàm ê bīn sió-khóa khui-khui, ká-ná sī chiàn kah chin thiám, teh peh-ha̍h. Hit-ê chhùi thán-khiā tī soaⁿ-khàm, chhin-chhiūⁿ chi̍t-ê 10 chhioh koân ê chiⁿ-á ùi soaⁿ-tōng kîⁿ tèng hiòng koân. Jiân-āu, soaⁿ-khàm chhì boeh kā chhùi ha̍p-óa. I ùi siang-pêng chhut-la̍t. M̄-koh, chhùi bô ha̍p khí-lâi. Siang-pêng tó hiòng lāi, chhùi tian-tò khui lú khoah. Kui-ê soaⁿ-khàm ê tiong-ng ùi téng-bīn sang khui, ná-chhiūⁿ hông chhò-tó ê chhiū-á án-ne hiòng chêng iô-tāng. Ū chi̍t-chūn ná kòng-lûi ê siaⁿ. O͘-sek thô͘-hún ùi iô-tāng ê soaⁿ-khàm, thàng-kòe teh lo̍h-kē ê hái-éng chúi-pho giâ khí. Jiân-āu, kui-ê soaⁿ-khàm tiong-ng pō͘-hūn pang kàu soaⁿ-tōng lāi-té, phùn khí sió-sió ê chúi-hoe. Liah-khui ê siang-pêng pang-khì, koh giâ khí chi̍t-chūn chúi-hoe. Chi̍t-bō͘ phú-sek thô͘-hún chhut-hiān, cha̍h tio̍h it-chhè. Chio̍h-thâu sóa-tāng ê kōng-kōng-kiò, thàu-kòe thô͘-hún ê hûn thoân kòe-lâi. Jiân-āu, he hûn peh koân, chhoe hiòng lio̍k-tē khì.

Soaⁿ-khàm í-keng siau-sit ah. Lio̍k-tē siâ-siâ chhu kàu hái-oan ê piⁿ-á. Tōa chio̍h-thâu chhâ-chhâ khiā kàu pêⁿ chio̍h-thâu ê piⁿ-á, hái-kîⁿ tī in ê tiong-kan sńg. Pang-lo̍h ê soaⁿ-khàm hia, giâ khí chi̍t-chūn ian. Hit-ê hái-éng í-keng siau-sit ah. Hái-oan nih, lēng-gōa chi̍t-ê éng tng-teh chū-chi̍p.



2. 山崁消失 ah

有一睏, he 湧徛恬無振動, 顯現媠氣 ê 狂野 koh 巨大. 伊頭前 ê 底部 khih-khih 無齊, 白泡點點, 若像拄起好 ê 金字塔四周圍㧒 ê 碎片. 然後, 一條深藍 ê 帶仔 ùi 這頭到彼頭走過伊表面, kō͘ 一个完美 ê 彎線向內降落. 閣來是一條較闊 ê 帶仔, 青色噴白點. 然後, 湧 ê 頭勾向外, 彎甲若像受氣天鵝 ê 頷頸. 彼个楗彎 ê 頭有一尋 hiah 深, 是透明 ê 青色, 邊仔框牛奶白. 伊 ê 後壁有大注 ê 水 kā 牚著, 每注攏幾若千噸.

波浪頭起先慢慢仔推進, 發出 kōng-kōng 叫 ê 聲. 彼可怕 ê 水體 ùi 這頭到彼頭同齊推進, 伊彼 ná 冰 hiah 光滑 ê 胸部連一屑仔皺痕 to 無. 毋過, ùi 伊 ê 懸頂落一陣摔落 ê 白泡, ùi 東到西, 向後壁 lak 落到海 ê 肩頭, 也就是綴 tī 海湧後面捒伊到山崁 ê chi̍t-lu chi̍t-lu ná 小山崙 ê 海水. 彼个巨大 ê 山崁, tī 彼座 kiâⁿ-tāng ê 也藍, 也綠和白 ê 水牆面頭前, 看起來細細 ah.

然後, 有一个吼聲. 波浪向懸湧起去, 達到最懸點. 湧 ê 頂稜破去, 水點暴出來, 若像獠牙 án-ne 彎向下面. 看著敢若伊是頭殼犁犁, 一路傱去挵山崁. 即時, 海湧和山崁, tī ná  peh-ha̍h, ná 咻 koh 吼 ê 白水 ê 滾絞中間, 攏無看 e 影.

規个半圓 ê 山崁消失 tī 白水 nih, 衝起來 ê 水霧 jia 著天. Tī 彼个時陣, 代誌是 án-ne. 過一下仔, 破去 ê 湧 lak 落來, 化做無數走傱 ê 碎片, 飛向大海. 山崁 koh 看會著 ah.

毋過, tī 山崁 ê 中央, tī 山洞頂懸遐, 已經有一个烏 ê 大空喙開開. 山崁 ê 面小可開開, 敢若是戰甲真忝, teh peh-ha̍h. 彼个喙坦徛 tī 山崁, 親像一个 10 尺懸 ê 櫼仔 ùi 山洞墘釘向懸. 然後, 山崁試欲 kā 喙合倚. 伊 ùi 雙爿出力. 毋過, 喙無合起來. 雙爿倒向內, 喙顛倒開 lú 闊. 規个山崁 ê 中央 ùi 頂面鬆開, 若像 hông 剉倒 ê 樹仔 án-ne 向前搖動. 有一陣 ná 摃雷 ê 聲. 烏色塗粉 ùi 搖動 ê 山崁, 迵過 teh 落低 ê 海湧水泡夯起. 然後, 規个山崁中央部份崩到山洞內底, 噴起小小 ê 水花. 裂開 ê 雙爿崩去, koh 夯起一陣水花. 一幕殕色塗粉出現, 閘著一切. 石頭徙動 ê kōng-kōng 叫, 透過塗粉 ê 雲傳過來. 然後, he 雲 peh 懸, 吹向陸地去.

山崁已經消失 ah. 陸地斜斜趨到海灣 ê 邊仔. 大石頭柴柴徛到平石頭 ê 邊仔, 海墘 tī in ê 中間耍. 崩落 ê 山崁遐, 夯起一陣煙. 彼个海湧已經消失 ah. 海灣 nih, 另外一个湧 tng-teh 聚集.




For a moment the wave stood motionless, beautifully wild and immense. Its base in front was ragged uneven and scratched with white foam, like the debris strewn around a just-constructed pyramid. Then a belt of dark blue ran from end to end across its face, sinking inwards in a perfect curve. Then came a wider belt, a green belt peppered with white spots. Then the wave's head curved outwards, arched like the neck of an angry swan. That curved head was a fathom deep, of a transparent green, with a rim of milky white. And to the rear, great lumps of water buttressed it, thousands of tons of water in each lump.

The wave advanced, slowly at first, with a rumbling sound. That awful mass of water advanced simultaneously from end to end of its length without breaking a ripple on its ice-smooth breast. But from its summit a shower of driven foam arose, from east to west, and fell backwards on to the shoulders of the sea, that came behind the wave in mountains pushing it to the cliff. The giant cliff looked small in front of that moving wall of blue and green and white water.

Then there was a roar. The wave sprang upwards to its full height. Its crest broke and points of water stuck out, curving downwards like fangs. It seemed to bend its head as it hurled forward to ram the cliff. In a moment the wave and the cliff had disappeared in a tumbling mass of white water that yawned and hissed and roared.

The whole semicircle of the cliff vanished in the white water and the foam mist that rose above it blotting out the sky. Just for one moment it was thus. In another moment the broken wave had fallen, flying to the sea in a thousand rushing fragments. The cliff appeared again. 

But a great black mouth had opened in its face, at the centre, above the cavern. The cliffs face stood ajar, as if it yawned, tired of battle. The mouth was vertical in the cliff, like a ten-foot wedge stuck upwards from the edge of the cavern. Then the cliff tried to close the mouth. It pressed in on it from either side. But it did not close. The sides fell inwards and the mouth grew wider. The whole centre of the cliff broke loose at the top and, swayed forward like a tree being felled. There was a noise like rising thunder. Black dust rose from the tottering cliff through the falling foam of the wave. Then with a soft splash the whole centre of the cliff collapsed into the cavern. The sides caved in with another splash. A wall of grey dust arose shutting out everything. The rumbling of moving rocks came through the cloud of dust. Then the cloud rose and went inland.

The cliff had disappeared. The land sloped down to the edge of the cove. Huge rocks stood awkwardly on the very brink of the flat rock, with the rim of the sea playing between them. Smoke was rising from the fallen cliff. And the wave had disappeared. Already another one was gathering in the cove.


// 2022-5-23

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Chin Té-phiⁿ II Bo̍k-lo̍k | 真短篇二 目錄

Chin Té-phiⁿ II Bo̍k-lo̍k | 真短篇二 目錄 (Sek-ha̍p Tiong-ha̍k-seng | 適合中學生) = C41 Chi̍t-ê Óng-seng Cha-bó͘ ê Pì-bi̍t | 一个往生查某 ê 秘密 [ Gí-im | 語音 ]...