Saturday, December 17, 2022

C62 Nâ-sek ê Koàn-á | 藍色 ê 罐仔 - a 她 teh 揣一種特別 ê 藍色

The Blue Jar /by Isak Dinesen

Nâ-sek ê Koàn-á | 藍色 ê 罐仔


1. Yi teh chhōe chi̍t-chióng te̍k-pia̍t ê nâ-sek

Í-chá ū chi̍t-ê tōa hó-gia̍h ê lāu Eng-kok lâng, i bat sī lú-ông ê sìn-sài hām chham-chān, taⁿ i í-keng hòe-thâu chē, kan-ta hèng-chhù siu-chi̍p nâ-sek ê kó͘-chá hûi. Ūi tio̍h he, i khì Persia, Ji̍t-pún hām China, bô-lūn kàu tó-ūi, in cha-bó͘-kiáⁿ Helena Hj (Hu-jîn) chóng-sī pôe-phōaⁿ i. Tāi-chì sī án-ne, in tī China Hái hâng-hêng ê sî, tī chi̍t-ê tiām-chēng ê àm-mê, chûn soah to̍h-hóe, lâng-lâng peh-chhiūⁿ kúi-ā tâi kiù-seng théng, soah kā yi pàng tī chûn-téng. Tī o͘-àm hām hūn-loān tiong-kan, chit-ê lāu sian-siⁿ hām in cha-bó͘-kiáⁿ hun-khui. Helena Hj siuⁿ òaⁿ kàu kah-pán, hoat-hiān chûn-téng í-keng bô lâng. Kàu siōng-bóe hit-sî, chi̍t-ê siàu-liân Eng-kok chúi-chhiú chhōa yi lo̍h kàu chi̍t-tâi hông pàng bē-kì ê kiù-seng-théng. Chāi chit nn̄g-ê tô-lān-chiá lâi khòaⁿ, he hóe bē-su tī sì-kho͘ liàn-tńg tòe in teh cháu, in-ūi o͘-àm ê hái-bīn ū siám-sih ê lîn-kng, in gia̍h-thâu ê sî, iū-koh khòaⁿ tio̍h thiⁿ-téng chi̍t-lia̍p làu-sái-chheⁿ, bē-su boeh lak kàu kiù-seng-théng lâi. In hâng-hêng 9 kang, it-ti̍t kàu chi̍t-chiah Hô-lân siong-chûn kā in kiù, in chiah koh tńg kàu England.

Lāu chiok-sū siong-sìn in cha-bó͘-kiáⁿ í-keng sí. Taⁿ i hoaⁿ-hí kah lâu ba̍k-sái, sûi chhōa yi khì chi̍t-ê sî-kiâⁿ ê óa chúi ê só͘-chāi, hō͘ yi ùi keng-kòe ê kan-kho͘ hôe-ho̍k tńg-lâi. I jīn-ûi, chit-ê tī siong-chûn chia̍h thâu-lō͘ ê siàu-liân chúi-chhiú nā kā lâng kóng-khí i bat hām tông-phōaⁿ ê cha-bó͘-kiáⁿ tan-to̍k chò-hóe 9 kang, che tiāⁿ-tio̍h hō͘ yi chin bē sóng-khoài, só͘-í i hō͘ hit-ê siàu-liân-ke chi̍t tōa-pit ê chîⁿ, kiò i tah-èng khì tē-kiû iáu chi̍t-pêng khì kiâⁿ-chûn, m̄-thang tò tńg-lâi. "Koh tńg-lâi kám ū siáⁿ hó-chhù ah?" lāu kùi-cho̍k án-ne kóng.

Tán Helena Hj hôe-ho̍k liáu-āu, in kā yi pò-kò kiong-têng hām ka-têng ê siau-sit, lo̍h-bóe mā kā yi kóng-khí hit-ê siàu-liân chúi-chhiú í-keng hông sàng-cháu, éng-oán bē koh tńg-lâi; in hoat-hiān yi ê sim-lêng siū tio̍h khó-giām, yi tùi sè-kài ê it-chhè í-keng bô koan-sim ah-lah. Yi bô-ài tńg-khì lāu-pē tī kong-hn̂g lāi ê siâⁿ-pó, mā m̄ khì kiong-têng, koh-khah m̄ lí-hêng kàu jīm-hô lio̍k-tē siōng hó-sńg ê siâⁿ-tìn. Taⁿ yi ûi-it siūⁿ boeh chò ê tāi-chì, tō sī ná chhiūⁿ yin lāu-pē án-ne, siu-chi̍p hi-hán ê nâ-sek hûi-á. Só͘-tì, yi khai-sí chhut-hái, kòe chi̍t-kok koh chi̍t-kok, yin lāu-pē mā tòe yi khì.

Tī tui-kiû tiong-kan, yi kā hām yi chih-chiap ê lâng kóng, yi teh chhōe chi̍t-chióng te̍k-pia̍t ê nâ-sek, goān-ì hù jīm-hô kè-siàu. M̄-koh, sui-bóng yi bé kúi-ā pah ê nâ-sek koàn-á hām óaⁿ, kòe chi̍t-tōaⁿ sî-kan, yi chóng-sī kā in khǹg chi̍t-pêng khì, kóng, "Ai-ah, ai-ah, che m̄-sī chèng-khak ê nâ-sek." Tī in chò-hóe chhut-hái kúi-nî liáu-āu, yin lāu-pē kā yi kiàn-gī kóng, hoān-sè yi teh tui-kiû ê sek bô chûn-chāi. "Oh, Thiⁿ ah, Papa," yi kóng, "lí ná-ē kóng chiah ok-to̍k ê ōe? Tong-jiân, ùi choân sè-kài lóng sī nâ-sek hit sî-chūn, it-tēng ū chi̍t-kóa lâu lo̍h-lâi."


1. 她 teh 揣一種特別 ê 藍色

以早有一个大好額 ê 老英國人, 伊 bat 是女王 ê 信使和參贊, 今伊已經歲頭濟, 干焦興趣收集藍色 ê古早瓷. 為著 he, 伊去 Persia, 日本和 China, 無論到佗位, in 查某囝 Helena Hj (夫人) 總是陪伴伊. 代誌是 án-ne, in tī China 海航行 ê 時, tī 一个恬靜 ê 暗暝, 船煞 to̍h 火, 人人 peh 上幾若台救生艇, 煞 kā 她放 tī 船頂. Tī 烏暗和混亂中間, 這个老先生和 in 查某囝分開. Helena Hj siuⁿ 晏到甲板, 發現船頂已經無人. 到上尾彼時, 一个少年英國水手 chhōa 她落到一台 hông 放袂記 ê 救生艇. 在這兩个逃難者來看, he 火袂輸 tī 四箍輾轉綴 in teh 走, 因為烏暗 ê 海面有閃爍 ê 磷光, in 攑頭 ê 時, 又閣看著天頂一粒落屎星, 袂輸欲 lak 到救生艇來. In 航行 9 工, 一直到一隻荷蘭商船 kā in 救, in 才 koh 轉到 England.

老爵士相信 in 查某囝已經死. 今伊歡喜 kah 流目屎, 隨 chhōa 她去一个時行 ê 倚水 ê 所在, 予她 ùi 經過 ê 艱苦回復轉來. 伊認為, 這个 tī 商船食頭路 ê 少年水手若 kā 人講起伊 bat 和同伴 ê 查某囝單獨做伙 9 工, 這定著予她真袂爽快, 所以伊予彼个少年家一大筆 ê 錢, 叫伊答應去地球猶一爿去行船, 毋通倒轉來. "Koh 轉來敢有啥好處 ah?" 老貴族 án-ne 講.

等 Helena Hj 回復了後, in kā 她報告宮廷和家庭 ê 消息, 落尾 mā kā 她講起彼个少年水手已經 hông 送走, 永遠袂 koh 轉來; in 發現她 ê 心靈受著考驗, 她對世界 ê 一切已經無關心 ah-lah. 她無愛轉去老爸 tī 公園內 ê 城堡, mā 毋去宮廷, 閣較毋旅行到任何陸地上好耍 ê 城鎮. 今她唯一想欲做 ê 代誌, tō 是 ná 像姻老爸 án-ne, 收集稀罕 ê 藍色瓷仔. 所致, 她開始出海, 過一國 koh 一國, 姻老爸 mā 綴她去.

Tī 追求中間, 她 kā 和她 chih-chiap ê 人講, 她 teh 揣一種特別 ê 藍色, 願意付任何價數. 毋過, 雖罔她買幾若百个藍色罐仔和碗, 過一段時間, 她總是 kā in 囥一爿去, 講, "Ai-ah, ai-ah, 這毋是正確 ê 藍色." Tī in 做伙出海幾年了後, 姻老爸 kā 她建議講, 凡勢她 teh 追求 ê 色無存在. "Oh, 天 ah, Papa," 她講, "你那會講 chiah 惡毒 ê 話? 當然, ùi 全世界 lóng 是藍色彼時陣, 一定有一寡留落來."



There once was an immensely rich old Englishman who had been a courier and a councillor to the Queen and who now, in his old age, cared for nothing but collecting ancient blue china. To that end he travelled to Persia, Japan and China, and he was everywhere accompanied by his daughter, the Lady Helena. It happened, as they sailed in the China Sea, that the ship caught fire on a still night, and everybody went into the lifeboats and left her. In the dark and confusion the old peer was separated from his daughter. Lady Helena got up on deck late, and found the ship quite deserted. In the last moment a young English sailor carried her down into a lifeboat that had been forgotten. To the two fugitives it seemed as if fire was following them from all sides, for the phosphorescence played in the dark sea, and, as they looked up, a falling star ran across the sky, as if it was going to drop into the boat. They sailed for nine days, till they were picked up by a Dutch merchantman, and came home to England.

The old lord had believed his daughter to be dead. He now wept with joy, and at once he took her off to a fashionable watering-place so that she might recover from the hardships she had gone through. And as he thought it must be unpleasant to her that a young sailor, who made his bread in the merchant service, should tell the world that he had sailed for nine days alone with a peer's daughter, he paid the boy a fine sum, and made him promise to go shipping in the other hemisphere and never come back. "For what," said the old nobleman, "would be the good of that?"

When Lady Helena recovered, and they gave her the news of the Court and of her family, and in the end also told her how the young sailor had been sent away never to come back, they found that her mind had suffered from the trials, and that she cared for nothing in all the world. She would not go back to her father's castle in its park, nor go to Court, nor travel to any gay town of the continent. The only thing which she now wanted to do was to go, like her father before her, to collect rare blue china. So she began to sail, from one country to the other, and her father went with her.

In her search she told people, with whom she dealt, that she was looking for a particular blue color, and would pay any price for it. But although she bought many hundred blue jars and bowls, she would always after a time put them aside and say: "Alas, alas, it is not the right blue." Her father, when they had sailed for many years, suggested to her that perhaps the color which she sought did not exist. "O God, Papa," said she, "how can you speak so wickedly? Surely there must be some of it left from the time when all the world was blue."


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