Friday, December 23, 2022

C65 Ji̍t-pún Bo̍k-lâi | 日本木梨 - a 我先去花園踅一下

The Japanese Quince /by John Galsworthy (1910)

Ji̍t-pún Bo̍k-lâi | 日本木梨


1. Góa seng khì hoe-hn̂g se̍h chi̍t-ē

Nilson Ss (sian-siⁿ), City* tē-khu ê bêng-jîn, phah-khui tī Campden Soaⁿ in tau keng-i-sek ê thang-á, i kám-kak nâ-âu té ū kam-tiⁿ ê bī, koh kám-kak tē-5 ki pín-á-kut ē-bīn khang-hi. Kā thang-á sak hiòng-āu, i hoat-kak Tiâⁿ-hn̂g lāi chi̍t-châng sè-châng chhiū-á í-keng teh khui-hoe, un-tō͘-kè hián-sī 16ºC. "Oân-bí ê chá-sî," i án-ne siūⁿ; "chhun-thiⁿ chóng-sǹg kàu ah!" [* Chi̍t-ê tī London ê hó-gia̍h-lâng khu]

Koh sió-khóa siūⁿ khí Tintos [âng-chiú] ê kè-siàu, i the̍h khí chi̍t-ê chhiūⁿ-gê-kheng ê chhiú-the̍h kiàⁿ, chù-ì khòaⁿ ka-tī ê bīn. Kiat-si̍t, âng-gê ê chhùi-phé, chéng-chê ê chang-sek téng-tûn-chhiu, îⁿ, tōa koh chheng ê phú-sek ba̍k-chiu, hián-chhut an-sim ê kiān-khong chōng-thài. Chhēng hó i ê o͘-sek tn̂g tōa-i, i lo̍h-lâu khì.

Kàu pn̄g-thiaⁿ, chá-pò í-keng khǹg tī piⁿ-á-kūi téng. Nilson Ss tú boeh chhun-chhiú the̍h pò-chóa, i iū ì-sek tio̍h tú-chiah he kî-koài ê kám-kak. Sió-khóa kòa-sim, i kiâⁿ-kàu Franse lo̍h-tē thang, lo̍h kńg-thih ê lâu-thui-khám kiâⁿ-ji̍p sin-sian ê khong-khì. Kuku sî-cheng pò peh-tiám.

"Koh pòaⁿ tiám-cheng chiah chia̍h chá-tǹg," i siūⁿ; "góa seng khì Hoe-hn̂g se̍h chi̍t-ē."

Hoe-hn̂g lāi kan-ta i chi̍t-lâng, i khai-sí iân se̍h-kho͘-á ê sió-lō͘ kiâⁿ, chá-pò iap-āu tēⁿ tī chhiú. M̄-koh, iáu-bōe kiâⁿ nn̄g-liàn, i hoat-hiān hit-ê kám-kak m̄-nā bô tī sin-sian khong-khì tiong siau-khì, tian-tò koh-khah cheng-ka. I chhim-chhim suh kùi-kháu khùi, in-ūi bat thiaⁿ in khan-chhiú ê i-seng kiàn-gī án-ne suh chhim-khùi; m̄-koh án-ne pēng bô kiám-khin, tian-tò cheng-ka hit-ê kám-kak -- bē-su thé-lāi ū tiⁿ ê liû-thé teh lâu, tông-sî sim-koaⁿ thâu sió-khóa thiàⁿ-thiàⁿ.

I hoan-thâu siūⁿ khòaⁿ cha-mê chia̍h ê mi̍h-kiāⁿ, siūⁿ bô ū siáⁿ te̍k-pia̍t ê, chū án-ne, i jīn-ûi khó-lêng sī khì hō͘ siáⁿ khì-bī éng-hióng tio̍h. M̄-koh, mā bô phīⁿ tio̍h siáⁿ-mi̍h, tî-liáu sió-khóa ū tiⁿ-tiⁿ ê lemón ê khì-bī, he sió-khóa phang-phang, hián-jiân sī ùi ji̍t-kng-ē tng-teh hoat-gê ê é-chhiū-á lâi ê. I tú boeh kè-sio̍k sàn-pō͘, hit-sî hū-kīn ê chi̍t-chiah ka-lēng (blakbird) hut-leh teh chhiùⁿ-koa; gia̍h-thâu chi̍t-ē khòaⁿ, Nilson Ss khòaⁿ tio̍h tī tāi-khài 5-bí hn̄g hia ê chi̍t-châng sió-chhiū-á, chiáu-á hioh tī chhiū-oe tiong-ng. 

I hòⁿ-kî, khiā tī hia khòaⁿ hit-châng chhiū-á, jīn-chhut he tō sī i ùi thang-á chù-ì tio̍h ê hit-châng. Chhiū-á móa-móa sī sin khui ê hoe, hún-âng hām pe̍h, hām sè-sè chhíⁿ-le̍k ê hio̍h-á, îⁿ-îⁿ, tài chhì; jit-kng tī chiah-ê hoe hām hio̍h-á téng-bīn sih-sih thiàu. Nilson Ss bî-bî-á chhiò; chit-châng sió-chhiū hiah-nī oa̍h-thiàu koh súi! Bô koh kiâⁿ chìn-chêng, i khiā tī hia ǹg hit-châng chhiū bî-chhiò.

"Chit-khoán ê chá-khí!" i án-ne siūⁿ; "tī chia kan-ta góa chi̍t-lâng tī chit-ê Tiâⁿ-hn̂g, kan-ta góa -- chhut-lâi koh..." M̄-koh tng-teh siūⁿ ê hit-sî, i khòaⁿ tio̍h lī i bô-hn̄g ê só͘-chāi khiā chi̍t-ê lâng, chhiú iap-āu, hit-lâng mā chhùi gi-gi teh siòng hit-châng chhiū-á. Nilson Ss chhoah chi̍t-tiô, bô koh chhiò, thau-thau-á khòaⁿ hit-ê chheⁿ-hūn lâng.


1.  我先去花園踅一下

Nilson Ss (先生), City* 地區 ê 名人, 拍開 tī Campden 山 in 兜更衣室 ê 窗仔, 伊感覺嚨喉底有甘甜 ê 味, koh 感覺第5 支箅仔骨下面空虛. Kā 窗仔捒向後, 伊發覺庭園內一叢細叢樹仔已經 teh 開花, 溫度計顯示 16ºC. "完美 ê 早時," 伊 án-ne 想; "春天總算到 ah!" [* 一个 tī London ê 好額人區]

Koh 小可想起 Tintos [紅酒] ê 價數, 伊提起一个象牙框 ê 手提鏡, 注意看家己 ê 面. 結實, 紅牙 ê 喙䫌, 整齊 ê 棕色頂唇鬚, 圓, 大 koh 清 ê 殕色目睭, 顯出安心 ê 健康狀態. 穿好伊 ê 烏色長大衣, 伊落樓去.

到飯廳, 早報已經囥 tī 邊仔櫃頂. Nilson Ss 拄欲伸手提報紙, 伊又意識著拄才 he 奇怪 ê 感覺. 小可掛心, 伊行到 Franse 落地窗, 落卷鐵 ê 樓梯坎行入新鮮 ê 空氣. Kuku 時鐘報八點.

"Koh 半點鐘才食早頓," 伊想; "我先去花園踅一下."

花園內干焦伊一人, 伊開始沿踅箍仔 ê 小路行, 早報揜後捏 tī 手. 毋過, 猶未行兩輾, 伊發現彼个感覺毋但無 tī 新鮮空氣中消去, 顛倒閣較增加. 伊深深欶幾口氣, 因為 bat 聽 in 牽手 ê 醫生建議 án-ne 欶深氣; 毋過 án-ne 並無減輕, 顛倒增加彼个感覺 -- 袂輸體內有甜 ê 流體 teh 流, 同時心肝頭小可疼疼.

伊翻頭想看昨暝食 ê 物件, 想無有啥特別 ê, 自 án-ne, 伊認為可能是去 hō͘ 啥氣味影響著. 毋過, mā 無鼻著啥物, 除了小可有甜甜 ê lemón ê 氣味, he 小可芳芳, 顯然是 ùi 日光下 tng-teh 發芽 ê 矮樹仔來 ê. 伊拄欲繼續散步, 彼時附近 ê 一隻鵁鴒 (blakbird) 忽 leh teh 唱歌; 攑頭一下看, Nilson Ss 看著 tī 大概 5 米遠 hia ê 一叢小樹仔, 鳥仔歇 tī 樹椏中央. 

伊好奇, 徛 tī hia 看彼叢樹仔, 認出 he tō 是伊 ùi 窗仔注意著 ê 彼叢. 樹仔滿滿是新開 ê 花, 粉紅和白, 和細細醒綠 ê 葉仔, 圓圓, 帶刺; 日光 tī chiah-ê 花和葉仔頂面 sih-sih 跳. Nilson Ss 微微仔笑; 這叢小樹 hiah-nī 活跳 koh 媠! 無 koh 行進前, 伊徛 tī hia ǹg 彼叢樹微笑.

"這款 ê 早起!" 伊 án-ne 想; "tī chia 干焦我一人 tī 這个庭園, 干焦我 -- 出來 koh..." 毋過 tng-teh 想 ê 彼時, 伊看著離伊無遠 ê 所在徛一个人, 手揜後, 彼人 mā 喙 gi-gi teh 相彼叢樹仔. Nilson Ss 掣一趒, 無 koh 笑, 偷偷仔看彼个生份人.



As Mr. Nilson, well known in the City, opened the window of his dressing-room on Campden Hill, he experienced a peculiar sweetish sensation in the back of his throat, and a feeling of emptiness just under his fifth rib. Hooking the window back, he noticed that a little tree in the Square Gardens had come out in blossom, and that the thermometer stood at sixty. 'Perfect morning,' he thought; 'spring at last!'

Resuming some meditations on the price of Tintos, he took up an ivory-backed hand-glass and scrutinised his face. His firm, well-coloured cheeks, with their neat brown moustaches, and his round, well-opened, clear grey eyes, wore a reassuring appearance of good health. Putting on his black frock coat, he went downstairs.

In the dining-room his morning paper was laid out on the sideboard. Mr. Nilson had scarcely taken it in his hand when he again became aware of that queer feeling. Somewhat concerned, he went to the French window and descended the scrolled iron steps into the fresh air. A cuckoo clock struck eight.

'Half an hour to breakfast,' he thought; 'I'll take a turn in the Gardens.'

He had them to himself, and proceeded to pace the circular path with his morning paper clasped behind him. He had scarcely made two revolutions, however, when it was borne in on him that, instead of going away in the fresh air, the feeling had increased. He drew several deep breaths, having heard deep breathing recommended by his wife's doctor; but they augmented rather than diminished the sensation--as if some sweetish liquor in course within him, together with a faint aching just above his heart. /

Running over what he had eaten the night before, he could recollect no unusual dish, and it occurred to him that it might possibly be some smell affecting him. But he could detect nothing except a faint sweet lemony scent, rather agreeable than otherwise, which evidently emanated from the bushes budding in the sunshine. He was on the point of resuming his promenade, when a blackbird close by burst into song, and, looking up, Mr. Nilson saw at a distance of perhaps five yards a little tree, in the heart of whose branches the bird was perched. /

He stood staring curiously at this tree, recognising it for that which he had noticed from his window. It was covered with young blossoms, pink and white, and little bright green leaves both round and spiky; and on all this blossom and these leaves the sunlight glistened. Mr. Nilson smiled; the little tree was so alive and pretty! And instead of passing on, he stayed there smiling at the tree.

'Morning like this!' he thought; 'and here I am the only person in the Square who has the--to come out and--!' But he had no sooner conceived this thought than he saw quite near him a man with his hands behind him, who was also staring up and smiling at the little tree. Rather taken aback, Mr. Nilson ceased to smile, and looked furtively at the stranger. /


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