Tuesday, December 27, 2022

C67 Hó Ba̍k-sek | 好目識 (20/20 /by Linda Brewer)

20/20 /by Linda Brewer


Hó Ba̍k-sek | 好目識


In kàu Indiana ê sî, Bill hoat-kak, hām i chò-hóe sái chhia ê Ruthie, bô hoat-tō͘ chò lí-lūn-te̍k ê piān-lūn. Yi sái-chhia ē-sái, chia̍h-iû kiám pòaⁿ, tt, m̄-koh yi mbē kap lâng sio-chèⁿ. Yi khòaⁿ sī m̄-chai án-chóaⁿ sio-chèⁿ. Bill koàn-sì Tang Hōaⁿ ê cha-bó͘, i kóng ê ta̍k-kù ōe, yin lóng ū ì-kiàn, ta̍k-pō͘ lóng án-ne. Ruthie kan-ta chò kán-tan ê koan-chhat, chhin-chhiūⁿ kóng, "Lí khòaⁿ, ū gû." I kā che kui-in tī, yi lâi-chū Ohio ê chng-kha, kàu tó-ūi lóng ē kám-kak hoaⁿ-hí.

Yi bô kòa-ì bīn hiòng lo̍h-ji̍t sái chhia. Kàu tē-saⁿ àm, Bill ba̍k-chiu kheh-kheh hioh-khùn, hō͘ yi iân-lō͘ sái, tan-tan ū-sî thiaⁿ yi chhut-siaⁿ soan-pò͘ chi̍t-ē:

"Indian ōe-pit chháu. Chi̍t-chiah kim-eng chiáu."

Kòe kúi-ā eng-lí liáu-āu, i ba̍k-thâu kat chi̍t-ē. Chiū i só͘ chai, óa-kīn Chicago ê ūi, pēng bô siáⁿ Indian ōe-pit chháu.

Keh-kang boeh-àm, ná sái chhia, Ruthie ná kóng, "Siūⁿ bē-kàu, góa ē chhin-sin khòaⁿ tio̍h Tōa-kha Koài." Bill oa̍t-thâu, khòaⁿ sūn-sūn hiòng-āu sóa-tāng ê lō͘-piⁿ. Nn̄g-ê âng-tiám teh sih -- tèng tī chhiū-thâu ê hoán-kng-kiàⁿ.

"Ruthie, góa lâi sái," i kóng. Yi kā chhia thêng lo̍h-lâi, tī boeh-àm ê thiⁿ-chheⁿ ē-bīn, in ōaⁿ-ūi.

"Góa chiâⁿ hoaⁿ-hí hām lí tâng-chê," Ruthie kóng. Yi ê ba̍k-chiu tōa koh nâ, ē-tàng khòaⁿ tio̍h kî-miāu ê kéng-tì. Chi̍t-chiah pe̍h chúi-gû óa tī Fargo hia. Chi̍t-ê UFO tī Siang Chúi-chhiâng téng-koân. Tī Bill sin-siōng khòaⁿ-tio̍h chi̍t-ê iân-tâu ê thian-châi. Thōng āu-bīn chit-ê kéng-tì, sī tī Spokane khòaⁿ-tio̍h, chū án-ne Bill koat-tēng boeh kiâⁿ khòaⁿ-māi.


In 到 Indiana ê 時, Bill 發覺, 和伊做伙駛車 ê Ruthie,  無法度做理論 te̍k ê 辯論. 她駛車會使, 食油減半, tt, 毋過她袂 kap 人相諍. 她看是毋知按怎相諍. Bill 慣勢東岸 ê 查某, 伊講 ê 逐句話, 姻 lóng 有意見, 逐步 lóng án-ne. Ruthie 干焦做簡單 ê 觀察, 親像講, "你看, 有牛." 伊 kā 這歸因 tī, 她來自 Ohio ê 庄跤, 到佗位 lóng 會感覺歡喜.

她無掛意面向落日駛車. 到第三暗, Bill 目睭瞌瞌歇睏, hō͘ 她沿路駛, 單單有時聽她出聲宣布一下:

"Indian 畫筆草. 一隻金鷹鳥."

過幾若英里了後, 伊目頭結一下. 就伊所知, 倚近 Chicago ê 位, 並無啥 Indian 畫筆草.

隔工欲暗, ná 駛車, Ruthie ná 講, "想袂到, 我會親身看著大跤怪." Bill 越頭, 看順順向後徙動 ê 路邊. 兩个紅點 teh 爍 -- 釘 tī 樹頭 ê 反光鏡.

"Ruthie, 我來駛," 伊講. 她 kā 車停落來, tī 欲暗 ê 天星下面, in 換位.

"我誠歡喜和你同齊," Ruthie 講. 她 ê 目睭大 koh 藍, 會當看著奇妙 ê 景致. 一隻白水牛倚 tī Fargo 遐. 一个 UFO tī 雙水沖頂懸. Tī Bill 身上看著一个緣投 ê 天才. Thōng 後面這个景致, 是 tī Spokane 看著, 自 án-ne Bill 決定欲行看覓.


By the time they reached Indiana, Bill realized that Ruthie, his driving companion, was incapable of theoretical debate. She drove okay, she went halves on gas, etc., but she refused to argue. She didn't seem to know how. Bill was used to East Coast women who disputed everything he said, every step of the way. Ruthie stuck to simple observation, like "Look, cows." He chalked it up to the fact that she was from rural Ohio and thrilled to death to be anywhere else.

She didn't mind driving into the setting sun. The third evening out, Bill rested his eyes while she cruised along making the occasional announcement.

"Indian paintbrush. A golden eagle."

Miles later he frowned. There was no Indian paintbrush, that he knew of, near Chicago.

The next evening, driving, Ruthie said, "I never thought I'd see a Bigfoot in real life." Bill turned and looked at the side of the road streaming innocently out behind them. Two red spots winked back -- reflectors nailed to a tree stump.

"Ruthie, I'll drive," he said. She stopped the car and they changed places in the light of the evening star.

"I'm so glad I got to come with you," Ruthie said. Her eyes were big, blue, and capable of seeing wonderful sights. A white buffalo near Fargo. A UFO above Twin Falls. A handsome genius in the person of Bill himself. This last vision came to her in Spokane and Bill decided to let it ride.


// 2022-8-9

Images by Cathie Rupert 

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