Friday, November 25, 2022

C49 Brill Sió-chiá | Brill 小姐 - a 她期待聽人交談

Miss Brill /by Katherine Mansfield

Brill Sió-chiá | Brill 小姐


1. Yi koat-tēng boeh chhēng phôe-hiû

Sui-bóng thiⁿ-khì hó kah hiah chhàn-lān -- nâ-sek ê thiⁿ-téng boah kim-hún, chi̍t-jiah chi̍t-jiah ê ji̍t-kng ná-chhiūⁿ pe̍h-chiú án-ne phoah-lo̍h tī kong-kiōng hoe-hn̂g -- Brill Sc* [Sió-chiá] chin hoaⁿ-hí yi koat-tēng boeh chhēng phôe-hiû. Khong-khì bô lâu-tāng, m̄-koh lí nā peh-khui chhùi, kan-ta ū tām-po̍h-á hân-ì, ná-chhiūⁿ sip chi̍t-poe peng-chúi chìn-chêng ê hit-chióng hân-ì, put-sî ū chi̍t-phìⁿ hio̍h-á phiau lo̍h-lâi -- m̄-chai ùi tó-ūi lâi, sī ùi thiⁿ-téng lâi. Brill Sc chhun-chhiú khì bong phôe-hiû. Chhin-ài ê sió pó-pòe! Koh bong che, kám-kak chin chán. Hit ē-tàu yi í-keng ùi a̍p-á kā the̍h chhut-lâi, kā chiù-thâng-hún chhe̍k tiāu, hó-hó kā bín-bín leh, àm-tām ê sió ba̍k-chiu iū-koh jôe-chhut sèⁿ-miā-la̍t. "Góa tàu-té sī chóaⁿ-iūⁿ ah?" ai-siong ê sió ba̍k-chiu án-ne kóng. Oh, khòaⁿ tio̍h he ba̍k-chiu koh ùi âng jiông-mo͘ lia̍h yi khòaⁿ, kám-kak chiâⁿ tiⁿ-bi̍t! ... M̄-koh, he phīⁿ ū sió-khóa o͘, bô chin kian-kò͘. Tiāⁿ-tio̍h sī khì án-chóaⁿ kho̍k tio̍h. Bô iàu-kín -- kàu-sî chiah kā boah chi̍t-sut-á o͘-sek hong-la̍h -- nā chin-chiàⁿ su-iàu ê sî... Sió pháiⁿ-kiáⁿ ah! Tio̍h, yi chin-chiàⁿ kám-kak i sī án-ne. Sió pháiⁿ-kiáⁿ tī yi ê tò-pêng hīⁿ piⁿ kā i ka-tī ê bóe. Yi ē-tàng kā i lia̍h lo̍h-lâi, khǹg tī kha-thúi kā phok. Yi kám-kak chhiú hām chhiú-kut bâ-bâ, m̄-koh he sī in-ūi kiâⁿ-lō͘, yi án-ne siūⁿ. Yi chhoán-khùi ê sî, ū bó͘-chióng khin-khin, ai-siong -- chún-khak kóng, m̄-sī ai-siong -- ká-ná sī bó͘-chióng un-jiû ê mi̍h tī yi ê heng-khám tín-tāng.

Kin-á ē-tàu ū khah chē lâng chhut-lâi, pí téng lé-pài-ji̍t ke chē-chē. Ga̍k-tūi ê siaⁿ mā khah hiáng, khah hoaⁿ-hí. In-ūi kùi-cheh khai-sí ah. Sui-bóng kui-nî thàng-thiⁿ ta̍k lé-pài lóng ū ga̍k-tūi ián-chàu, nā kùi-cheh bô ha̍h tō bô kāng ah. Ná chhin-chhiūⁿ lán nā kan-ta ián-chàu hō͘ chhù-lāi-lâng thiaⁿ, bô jīm-hô chheⁿ-hūn-lâng chāi-tiûⁿ, lán tō bē chāi-ì ián-chàu liáu chóaⁿ-iūⁿ. Hit-ê chí-hui kám m̄-sī mā chhēng chi̍t-niá sin saⁿ? Yi khak-tēng he sī sin saⁿ. I ê kha liòng chi̍t-ē, chhiú-kut phok chi̍t-ē, ná chhiūⁿ ke-kang boeh thî ah, chē tī le̍k-sek îⁿ-hêng tōa-thiaⁿ ê tūi-oân chhùi-phé pûn kah phòng-phòng, ba̍k-chiu khòaⁿ ga̍k-phó͘. Taⁿ sī chi̍t sió tōaⁿ ê "phín-á" -- chiâⁿ bí-miāu! -- chi̍t sió kōaⁿ ê bêng-liāng chúi-chu. Yi siong-sìn, he ē koh tiông-ho̍k. Kó-jiân án-ne; yi gia̍h-thâu, bî-chhiò.

Kan-ta nn̄g-ê lâng kong-ke yi ê "te̍k-pia̍t" chō: chi̍t-ê chhēng thian-gô-jiông tōa-i ê su-bûn lāu lâng, siang-chhiú tēⁿ chi̍t-ki khek-hoe tōa koái, hām chi̍t-ê tōa-kho͘ lāu cha-bó͘, chē thêng-thêng, siù-hoe ûi-kûn téng khǹg chi̍t-oân chhiah phòng-se. In bô kóng-ōe. Che hō͘ yi sit-bōng, in-ūi Brill Sc chóng-sī kî-thāi thiaⁿ lâng kau-tâm. Yi í-keng sī lāu keng-giām, yi án-ne siūⁿ, chē tī pa̍t-lâng seng-oa̍h khian nih chi̍t-tiap-á kú, kek bô thiaⁿ án-ne thiaⁿ in tī piⁿ-á kóng-ōe. 

Yi hiòng piⁿ-á hit-tùi lāu ang-bó͘ gán chi̍t-ē. Hoān-sè in liâm-mi boeh lī-khui ah. Téng lé-pài-ji̍t, mā bô siáⁿ hó-sńg. Chi̍t-ê Eng-kok lâng hām in bó͘, i tì chi̍t-téng àu-kó͘ Panama bō-á, iá yi chhēng liú-á ê-hia. Yi it-ti̍t kóng, yi tio̍h kòa ba̍k-kiàⁿ; yi chai yi su-iàu he; m̄-koh ū ba̍k-kiàⁿ mā bô hó; he tiāⁿ-tio̍h ē lòng-phòa, mā kòa bē koàn-sì. Hit-lâng chin nāi-sim. I chò ta̍k-hāng kiàn-gī - kim kheng, tòe hīⁿ-á oan-khiau hit-chióng, lāi-bīn ū phīⁿ-kut thiap-á hit-chióng. M̄-koh, bô chi̍t-hāng yi kah-ì. "He chóng-sī tiu-tiu chhu-lo̍h góa ê phīⁿ!" Brill Sc chiok siūⁿ boeh chhe̍k hit-ê cha-bó͘.


1. 她期待聽人交談

雖罔天氣好甲 hiah 燦爛 -- 藍色 ê 天頂抹金粉, 一跡一跡 ê 日光 ná 像白酒 án-ne 潑落 tī 公共花園 -- Brill Sc* [小姐] 真歡喜她決定欲穿皮裘. 空氣無流動, 毋過你若 peh 開喙, 干焦有淡薄仔寒意, ná 像 sip 一杯冰水進前 ê 彼種寒意, 不時有一片葉仔飄落來 -- 毋知 ùi 佗位來, 是 ùi 天頂來. Brill Sc 伸手去摸皮裘. 親愛 ê 小寶貝! Koh 摸這, 感覺真讚. 彼下晝她已經 ùi 盒仔 kā 提出來, kā 蛀蟲粉摵掉, 好好 kā 抿抿 leh, 暗淡 ê 小目睭又閣 jôe 出性命力. "我到底是怎樣 ah?" 哀傷 ê 小目睭 án-ne 講. Oh, 看著 he 目睭 koh ùi 紅絨毛掠她看, 感覺誠甜蜜! ... 毋過, he 鼻有小可烏, 無真堅固. 定著是去按怎硞著. 無要緊 -- 到時才 kā 抹一屑仔烏色封蠟 -- 若真正需要 ê 時... 小歹囝 ah! 著, 她真正感覺伊是 án-ne. 小歹囝 tī 她 ê 倒爿耳邊咬伊家己 ê 尾. 她會當 kā 伊掠落來, 囥 tī 跤腿 kā 撲. 她感覺手和手骨麻麻, 毋過彼是因為行路, 她 án-ne 想. 她喘氣 ê 時, 有某種輕輕, 哀傷 -- 準確講, 毋是哀傷 -- ká-ná 是某種溫柔 ê 物 tī 她 ê 胸坎振動.

今仔下晝有較濟人出來, 比頂禮拜日加濟濟. 樂隊 ê 聲 mā 較響, 較歡喜. 因為季節開始 ah. 雖罔規年迵天逐禮拜 lóng 有樂隊演奏, 若季節無合 tō 無仝 ah. Ná 親像咱若干焦演奏予厝內人聽, 無任何生份人在場, 咱 tō 袂在意演奏了怎樣. 彼个指揮敢毋是 mā 穿一領新衫? 她確定彼是新衫. 伊 ê 跤躘一下, 手骨撲一下, ná 像雞公欲啼 ah, 坐 tī 綠色圓形大廳 ê 隊員喙䫌歕甲膨膨, 目睭看樂譜. 今是一小段 ê  "品仔" -- 誠美妙! -- 一小捾 ê 明亮水珠. 她相信, 彼會 koh 重複. 果然 án-ne; 她攑頭, 微笑.

干焦兩个人公家她 ê "特別" 座: 一个穿天鵝絨大衣 ê 斯文老人, 雙手捏一支刻花大枴, 和一个大箍老查某, 坐騰騰, 繡花圍裙頂囥一丸刺膨紗. In 無講話. 這予她失望, 因為 Brill Sc 總是期待聽人交談. 她已經是老經驗, 她 án-ne 想, 坐 tī 別人生活圈 nih chi̍t-tiap-á 久, 激無聽 án-ne 聽 in tī 邊仔講話. 

她向邊仔彼對老翁某眼一下. 凡勢 in liâm-mi 欲離開 ah. 頂禮拜日, mā 無啥好耍. 一个英國人和 in 某, 伊戴一頂漚古 Panama 帽仔, iá 她穿鈕仔鞋靴. 她一直講, 她著掛目鏡; 她知她需要彼; 毋過有目鏡 mā 無好; he 定著會挵破, mā 掛袂慣勢. 彼人真耐心. 伊做逐項建議 - 金框, 綴耳仔彎曲彼種, 內面有鼻骨 thiap-á 彼種. 毋過, 無一項她佮意. "彼總是 tiu-tiu 趨落我 ê 鼻!" Brill Sc 足想欲摵彼个查某.



Although it was so brilliantly fine - the blue sky powdered with gold and great spots of light like white wine splashed over the Jardins Publiques - Miss Brill was glad that she had decided on her fur. The air was motionless, but when you opened your mouth there was just a faint chill, like a chill from a glass of iced water before you sip, and now and again a leaf came drifting - from nowhere, from the sky. Miss Brill put up her hand and touched her fur. Dear little thing! It was nice to feel it again. She had taken it out of its box that afternoon, shaken out the moth-powder, given it a good brush, and rubbed the life back into the dim little eyes. "What has been happening to me?" said the sad little eyes. Oh, how sweet it was to see them snap at her again from the red eiderdown! ... But the nose, which was of some black composition, wasn't at all firm. It must have had a knock, somehow. Never mind - a little dab of black sealing-wax when the time came - when it was absolutely necessary ... Little rogue! Yes, she really felt like that about it. Little rogue biting its tail just by her left ear. She could have taken it off and laid it on her lap and stroked it. She felt a tingling in her hands and arms, but that came from walking, she supposed. And when she breathed, something light and sad - no, not sad, exactly - something gentle seemed to move in her bosom.

There were a number of people out this afternoon, far more than last Sunday. And the band sounded louder and gayer. That was because the Season had begun. For although the band played all the year round on Sundays, out of season it was never the same. It was like some one playing with only the family to listen; it didn't care how it played if there weren't any strangers present. Wasn't the conductor wearing a new coat, too? She was sure it was new. He scraped with his foot and flapped his arms like a rooster about to crow, and the bandsmen sitting in the green rotunda blew out their cheeks and glared at the music. Now there came a little "flutey" bit - very pretty! - a little chain of bright drops. She was sure it would be repeated. It was; she lifted her head and smiled.

Only two people shared her "special" seat: a fine old man in a velvet coat, his hands clasped over a huge carved walking-stick, and a big old woman, sitting upright, with a roll of knitting on her embroidered apron. They did not speak. This was disappointing, for Miss Brill always looked forward to the conversation. She had become really quite expert, she thought, at listening as though she didn't listen, at sitting in other people's lives just for a minute while they talked round her.

She glanced, sideways, at the old couple. Perhaps they would go soon. Last Sunday, too, hadn't been as interesting as usual. An Englishman and his wife, he wearing a dreadful Panama hat and she button boots. And she'd gone on the whole time about how she ought to wear spectacles; she knew she needed them; but that it was no good getting any; they'd be sure to break and they'd never keep on. And he'd been so patient. He'd suggested everything - gold rims, the kind that curved round your ears, little pads inside the bridge. No, nothing would please her. "They'll always be sliding down my nose!" Miss Brill had wanted to shake her.


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