Saturday, November 26, 2022

C49b 樂隊 teh 演奏

2. Ga̍k-tūi teh ián-chàu

Lāu lâng chē tī tn̂g-í, tiām-tiām ná chhiūⁿ sī tiau-siōng. Bô iàu-kín, chóng-sī ū lâng-tīn thang khòaⁿ. Lâi-lâi khì-khì, tī hoe-tôaⁿ hām tī ga̍k-tūi tōa-thiaⁿ chêng, chêng-lū hām lâng-tīn kiâⁿ lâi kiâⁿ khì, thêng lo̍h-lâi kóng-ōe, phah chio-ho͘, bé chi̍t-sok hoe, hit-ê lāu khit-chia̍h kā hoe kòa tī lân-kan bē. Sè-hàn gín-á tī in sin-piⁿ cháu lâi cháu khì, o͘-pe̍h chông koh ki-ki chhiò; cha-po͘ gín-á ām-kún kòa pe̍h-si ia̍h-á kat, chă-gín-á mo͘h Franse pò͘-ang-á, chhēng thian-gô-jiông hām hoe-piⁿ ê saⁿ. Ū-sî, chi̍t-ê teh o̍h-kiâⁿ ê gín-á ùi chhiū-á kha hoaiⁿh chhut-lâi, thêng chi̍t-ē, khòaⁿ chi̍t-ē, koh hut-leh tò-lap chē, tán in hit-ê kín kha-pō͘ lāu-bú, ná chhiūⁿ ke-bó án-ne ná lé ná chông chhut-lâi kiù i. Kî-thaⁿ ê lâng chē tī tn̂g-í hām chheⁿ-sek í-á, chha-put-to lóng sī kāng-khoán hiah-ê, chi̍t lé-pài kòe chi̍t lé-pài, jî-chhiáⁿ -- Brill Sc keng-siông chù-ì tio̍h -- chiah-ê lâng chha-put-to lóng ū bó͘-chióng hó-sńg ê te̍k-tiám. In lóng koài-kî, tiām-chēng, chha-put-to lóng chin lāu, ùi in ê gán-sîn lâi khòaⁿ, in ká-ná lóng tú-chiah ùi o͘-àm ê sió pâng-keng chhut-lâi, a̍h sīm-chì -- sīm-chì ùi óaⁿ-tû chhut-lâi!

Tī îⁿ-hêng tōa-thiaⁿ āu-bīn, sán-thiu ê chhiū-á n̂g-hio̍h sûi-sûi, thàng-kòe in, kan-ta sī chi̍t-chōa hái-kéng, koh kòe tō sī nâ-sek ê thiⁿ-téng kòa kim-sek ê hûn-chhái.

Ga̍k-tūi teh ián-chàu: Tum-tum-tum tiddle-um! tiddle-um! tum tiddley-um tum ta! 

Nn̄g-ê chhēng âng saⁿ ê siàu-liân ko͘-niû kiâⁿ kòe-lâi, nn̄g-ê chhēng nâ-sek ê siàu-liân a-peng-ko kiâⁿ hiòng yin, in chhiò hi-hi, koh phòe chò nn̄g-tùi kiâⁿ-khui, chhiú khan chhiú. Nn̄g-ê tì chhù-bī chháu-le̍h-á ê chng-kha cha-bó͘, piáu-chêng giâm-siok, khan súi-súi ê phú-sek lî-á keng-kòe. Chi̍t-ê léng-tām koh bah pe̍h sún-sún ê siu-lú kín-pō͘ kiâⁿ-kòe. Chi̍t-ê súi cha-bó͘ kiâⁿ kòe-lâi, yi hit-sok chí-lô-lân lak-lo̍h, chi̍t-ê sè-hàn gín-á-hiaⁿ jiok yi, kā hoe hêng hō͘ yi, yi kā chih kòe-lâi, iū kā tìm-tiāu, bē-su he í-keng ū-to̍k. Thiⁿ ah! Brill Sc m̄-chai yi tio̍h o-ló a̍h m̄-bián! Chit-sî, chi̍t-ê tiau-phôe bō hām chi̍t-ê chhēng phú-sek ê sin-sū tī yi bīn-chêng sio-tú. Cha-po͘ seⁿ-chò lò-kha, ngē-chiāⁿ, ui-giâm, iá yi tì yi n̂g thâu-chang ê sî bé ê tiau-phôe bō. Taⁿ lí khòaⁿ, yi ê thâu-chang, bīn, sīm-chì ba̍k-chiu, ta̍k-hāng lóng hām hit-téng phòa-kū tiau-phôe bō kāng sek, iá yi ê chhiú, lop chheng-khì ê chhiú-thò, gia̍h khí-lâi bong chhùi-tûn, sī chi̍t-ki chhián-n̂g ê jiáu. Oh, yi chiâⁿ hoaⁿ-hí khòaⁿ tio̍h i -- thiòng kah! Yi siong-sìn ē-po͘ in boeh iok-hoe lah. Yi kóng-khí yi khì-kòe ê só͘-chāi -- chia, hia, hái-piⁿ ê ta̍k-ūi. Ji̍t-chí chiâⁿ bê-lâng -- i kám bô tông-ì? i kám m̄-khéng, hoān-sè? ... M̄-koh, i iô-thâu, tiám chi̍t-ki hun, bān-bān ǹg yi ê bīn bū chi̍t tōa chhùi ê hun-ian, sīm-chì tī yi iáu teh ná kóng ná chhiò ê sî, kè-sio̍k hiòng chêng kiâⁿ. Hit-ê tiau-phôe bō chhun ko͘ chi̍t-lâng; yi chhiò kah koh-khah chhàn-lān ah. M̄-koh, sīm-chì ga̍k-tūi ká-ná mā chai yi ê kám-kak, tō ián-chàu koh-khah khin-jiû, koh-khah un-hô, hiáng khí "The Brute! The Brute! (chho͘-ló͘)" ê kó͘-siaⁿ chiat-chàu, chi̍t-piàn koh chi̍t-piàn. Yi boeh án-chóaⁿ hó? Taⁿ tāi-chì ē án-chóaⁿ ah? M̄-koh, Brill Sc iáu teh hòⁿ-kî, Tiau-phôe bō í-keng oa̍t-sin, gia̍h chhiú, bē-su yi í-keng khòaⁿ tio̍h pa̍t-lâng, koh-khah hó, tī hit-pêng, tō pata-pata kiâⁿ-khui. Ga̍k-tūi iū-koh kái-piàn ah, ián-chàu khah kín, khah khin-khoài ê im-ga̍k, iá hām Brill Sc chē kāng ūi ê lāu ang-bó͘ khiā khí-lâi, kiâⁿ khui, koh ū chi̍t-ê lâu tn̂g chhùi-chhiu ê lāu-lâng, tòe im-ga̍k ê chiat-chàu teh khōng-khiang kiâⁿ, hiám-á khì hō͘ hiòng chêng kiâⁿ ê sì-ê ko͘-niû lòng poa̍h-tó.


2. 樂隊 teh 演奏

老人坐 tī 長椅, 恬恬 ná 像是雕像. 無要緊, 總是有人陣通看. 來來去去, tī 花壇和 tī 樂隊大廳前, 情侶和人陣行來行去, 停落來講話, 拍招呼, 買一束花, 彼个老乞食 kā 花掛 tī 欄杆賣. 細漢囡仔 tī in 身邊走來走去, 烏白傱 koh ki-ki 笑; 查埔囡仔頷頸掛白絲蝶仔結, chă 囡仔 mo͘h Franse 布尪仔, 穿天鵝絨和花邊 ê 衫. 有時, 一个 teh 學行 ê 囡仔 ùi 樹仔跤 hoaiⁿh 出來, 停一下, 看一下, koh 忽 leh tò-lap 坐, 等 in 彼个緊跤步老母, ná 像雞母 án-ne ná 詈 ná 傱出來救伊. 其他 ê 人坐 tī 長椅和青色椅仔, 差不多 lóng 是仝款 hiah-ê, 一禮拜過一禮拜, 而且 -- Brill Sc 經常注意著 -- chiah-ê 人差不多 lóng 有某種好耍 ê 特點. In lóng 怪奇, 恬靜, 差不多 lóng 真老, ùi in ê 眼神來看, in ká-ná lóng 拄才 ùi 烏暗 ê 小房間出來, a̍h 甚至 -- 甚至 ùi 碗櫥出來!

Tī 圓形大廳後面, 瘦抽 ê 樹仔黃葉垂垂, 迵過 in, 干焦是一逝海景, koh 過 tō 是藍色 ê 天頂掛金色 ê 雲彩.

樂隊 teh 演奏: Tum-tum-tum tiddle-um! tiddle-um! tum tiddley-um tum ta! 

兩个穿紅衫 ê 少年姑娘行過來, 兩个穿藍色 ê 少年阿兵哥行向姻, in 笑 hi-hi, koh 配做兩對行開, 手牽手. 兩个戴趣味草笠仔 ê 庄跤查某, 表情嚴肅, 牽媠媠 ê 殕色驢仔經過. 一个冷淡 koh 肉白 sún-sún ê 修女緊步行過. 一个媠查某行過來, 她彼束紫羅蘭 lak 落, 一个細漢囡仔兄 jiok 她, kā 花還予她, 她 kā chih 過來, 又 kā 抌掉, 袂輸 he 已經有毒. 天 ah! Brill Sc 毋知她著 o-ló a̍h 毋免! 這時, 一个貂皮帽和一个穿殕色 ê 紳士 tī 她面前相拄. 查埔生做躼跤, 硬掙, 威嚴, iá 她戴她黃頭鬃 ê 時買 ê 貂皮帽. 今你看, 她 ê 頭鬃, 面, 甚至目睭, 逐項 lóng 和彼頂破舊貂皮帽仝色, iá 她 ê 手, lop 清氣 ê 手套, 攑起來摸喙唇, 是一支淺黃 ê 爪. Oh, 她誠歡喜看著伊 -- 暢 kah! 她相信下晡 in 欲約會 lah. 她 講起她去過 ê 所在 -- 遮, 遐, 海邊 ê 逐位. 日子誠迷人 -- 伊敢無同意? 伊敢毋肯, 凡勢? ... 毋過, 伊搖頭, 點一支薰, 慢慢 ǹg 她 ê 面霧一大喙 ê 薰煙, 甚至 tī 她猶 teh ná 講 ná 笑 ê 時, 繼續向前行. 彼个貂皮帽賰孤一人; 她笑甲閣較燦爛 ah. 毋過, 甚至樂隊 ká-ná mā 知她 ê 感覺, tō 演奏閣較輕柔, 閣較溫和, 響起 "The Brute! The Brute! (粗魯)" ê 鼓聲節奏, 一遍 koh 一遍. 她欲按怎好? 今代誌會按怎 ah? 毋過, Brill Sc 猶 teh 好奇, 貂皮帽已經越身, 攑手, 袂輸她已經看著別人, 閣較好, tī 彼爿, tō pata-pata 行開. 樂隊又閣改變 ah, 演奏較緊, 較輕快 ê 音樂, iá 和 Brill Sc 坐仝位 ê 老翁某徛起來, 行開, koh 有一个留長喙鬚 ê 老人, 綴音樂 ê 節奏 teh khōng-khiang 行, 險仔去予向前行 ê 四个姑娘挵跋倒.



The old people sat on the bench, still as statues. Never mind, there was always the crowd to watch. To and fro, in front of the flower-beds and the band rotunda, the couples and groups paraded, stopped to talk, to greet, to buy a handful of flowers from the old beggar who had his tray fixed to the railings. Little children ran among them, swooping and laughing; little boys with big white silk bows under their chins, little girls, little French dolls, dressed up in velvet and lace. And sometimes a tiny staggerer came suddenly rocking into the open from under the trees, stopped, stared, as suddenly sat down "flop," until its small high-stepping mother, like a young hen, rushed scolding to its rescue. Other people sat on the benches and green chairs, but they were nearly always the same, Sunday after Sunday, and - Miss Brill had often noticed - there was something funny about nearly all of them. They were odd, silent, nearly all old, and from the way they stared they looked as though they'd just come from dark little rooms or even - even cupboards!

Behind the rotunda the slender trees with yellow leaves down drooping, and through them just a line of sea, and beyond the blue sky with gold-veined clouds.

Tum-tum-tum tiddle-um! tiddle-um! tum tiddley-um tum ta! blew the band.

Two young girls in red came by and two young soldiers in blue met them, and they laughed and paired and went off arm-in-arm. Two peasant women with funny straw hats passed, gravely, leading beautiful smoke-coloured donkeys. A cold, pale nun hurried by. A beautiful woman came along and dropped her bunch of violets, and a little boy ran after to hand them to her, and she took them and threw them away as if they'd been poisoned. Dear me! Miss Brill didn't know whether to admire that or not! And now an ermine toque and a gentleman in grey met just in front of her. He was tall, stiff, dignified, and she was wearing the ermine toque she'd bought when her hair was yellow. Now everything, her hair, her face, even her eyes, was the same colour as the shabby ermine, and her hand, in its cleaned glove, lifted to dab her lips, was a tiny yellowish paw. Oh, she was so pleased to see him - delighted! She rather thought they were going to meet that afternoon. She described where she'd been - everywhere, here, there, along by the sea. The day was so charming - didn't he agree? And wouldn't he, perhaps? ... But he shook his head, lighted a cigarette, slowly breathed a great deep puff into her face, and even while she was still talking and laughing, flicked the match away and walked on. The ermine toque was alone; she smiled more brightly than ever. But even the band seemed to know what she was feeling and played more softly, played tenderly, and the drum beat, "The Brute! The Brute!" over and over. What would she do? What was going to happen now? But as Miss Brill wondered, the ermine toque turned, raised her hand as though she'd seen some one else, much nicer, just over there, and pattered away. And the band changed again and played more quickly, more gayly than ever, and the old couple on Miss Brill's seat got up and marched away, and such a funny old man with long whiskers hobbled along in time to the music and was nearly knocked over by four girls walking abreast.


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Chin Té-phiⁿ II Bo̍k-lo̍k | 真短篇二 目錄

Chin Té-phiⁿ II Bo̍k-lo̍k | 真短篇二 目錄 (Sek-ha̍p Tiong-ha̍k-seng | 適合中學生) = C41 Chi̍t-ê Óng-seng Cha-bó͘ ê Pì-bi̍t | 一个往生查某 ê 秘密 [ Gí-im | 語音 ]...